3.1 - Our Bubble

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[Skye's POV]

Jax's fluffy chest laid against my back as he cuddled me from behind. I'd started sleeping over at his apartment more often as I felt comfortable there. It was filled with the guy I loved and a little kid whose cuteness made it hard to stay away from him.

I would wonder how my family was doing, occasionally, especially Lucas. Because I was only around there about three days a week, and almost never during the day, he was visibly ecstatic when he got to see me. It must've been really hard for him to be around the rest of them, only being twelve. I've always taught him to think for himself, not to let his other sisters and dad tell him how to think. I'd made sure to give him a voice and to not shy down when an opportunity arises, but I still wonder how that carried through when I was gone.

Have I considered moving out altogether? Yes, of course—all my life I have, in fact. But the drawbacks being, well, letting Luca live with them all alone, and finding a place to go.

I guess I could live here—I practically do already—I'm sure Jax wouldn't mind, but what about Luca? He'd have no place to go, and I doubt my dad would let me visit if I moved out. Could I take him with me? There are only three rooms here, so he and I would have to share.

No, I'm getting ahead of myself; that's still five 'if's down a narrow, winding road. I'm sure things will get better and this will all get resolved, I thought to myself, checking over my shoulder to see a handsome canine muzzle gazing amongst my presence.

"Good morning, Sunshine," Jax said, tiredly smiling at me causing me to peck his cheek and snuggle further against him and under the comforter.

He hugged me, smelling my hair as I said back, "Good morning, my prince."

"Mmm, these nicknames are horrendous," he told me with an utmost amount of admiration and care, closing his eyes.

"I know, Wolfy," I closed my eyes too, sleep threatening to re-consume me, my worries vanishing with every smooth, accented word he spoke. Well until...

*blaring alarm clock noises that sound like they're 160 dB, always protruding at the most inconvenient of times*

I could feel the trail of wind from his ears shooting up. "Thank you, alarm clock, for halting Skye's truly terrifying wrath of falsetto pseudonyms," he said, making me giggle.

"Ah come on," I reached out to stop the alarm clock, "they weren't that bad."

"Don't doubt yourself," he teased, both of us sitting up to get ready for school.

I noticed his mood and openness increasing subtly everyday. It may have taken a bit of talking to, but I'm glad he was finally able to crack out of his shell. Knowing him for about five weeks now, the first two were sorta rough.

He was a cool guy, but it took until beyond our conversation about his past to really know why he was like. Not what he was capable of acting like, but truly, acting like he would be his whole life if his parents hadn't shaped him into a submissive, depressed, only partially emoted canine. Once he was feeling truly up to par, I could see all the qualities that were hindered by his fear of others and letting them into his life. I could see all the reasons why I was gonna stay after falling for him. It turns out all he needed was someone to talk to.

It seems crazy that without the push from Tess and Mikah to talk to Jax, I wouldn't be with him today. I wouldn't be with him to hear all his teasing; to hear his wonderful story. I wouldn't be here for him to throw my underwear in my face in the mornings like he just did.

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