1.3 - New Friends

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Now that it was light out, I could see how truly massive the building was. It had large brick walls, painted with black and gold murals. Next to the office were large open gates which I assumed students filed in when you could enter the building. A sign on the wall next to the office said that the gates opened at 7:15, which would explain why they were open.

My nerves still hadn't completely gone away yet; my hands weren't shaky or anything, it was just a little out of my comfort zone. I made sure I looked decent before walking into the large courtyard by adjusting my glasses and running my hands through my hair.

As I walked through the courtyard, I spotted a few mammals conversing with each other—a guy and two girls. The dude was a wolf too, his fur white and baby blue. He had a little bit of hair on the top of his head and some noticeable muscle. He was pretty bulky and broad shouldered, I imagined he played football. He looked like he was a senior, possibly a junior, but I was pretty sure it was the first option.

The first girl was a brown vixen, with blonde, brown, and orange hair that blended very naturally. I'd think that she was his boyfriend considering the way she was holding onto his arm and the fact that he quickly kissed her cheek just now. She was probably also 17- or 18-years-old and seemed very energetic and smiley.

The other girl was a tiger with pretty red fur with black stripes and white fur on the recessive points on her body. She was very tall and seemed smart. She was holding a Calculus textbook in her hand, which lead me to believe that she could have grade-skipped or planned to graduate early, too, as she didn't seem quite old enough to be a 17/18-year-old senior. Her hair was very pretty, being red and black and somewhat short. Her body was well built and she seemed like she might have played sports—probably soccer or basketball.

What really set them apart from the other people in the crowd was that they were all holding cases to what we're probably instruments. I didn't have a case because the pianos were gonna be in the classroom, but I did get drumsticks as I liked to play most percussion instruments, especially xylophone and marimba.

They seemed nice and happy, but with experience that doesn't always turn out to be the case. I was always a good listener and I could help them if they might've needed it.

I decided to walk over to them and ask them what classes they had. It was now or never, right? I was walking casually over to them when the dude waved me over and said, "What's up, dude."

I casually said, "Hey mate." as I was about to approach them. I didn't realize how extremely Australian that sounded until the fact of the matter.

He held out his hand for a fist bump, which I gladly returned. "No way! Are you actually Australian?"

"Uhh, yeah. At least I think so." This earned a snicker from the vixen.

"That's crazy." He looked at me for a second. "So does that mean you like just moved here? 'Cause I haven't seen you before."

"Yeah. I got out the airport yesterday and unpacked my stuff that night."

"So why'd you come to school so soon?" the girl, now nestled against him said.

"It's better to start sooner than later, I guess. And school is just a really good getaway."

"But it's school!" the probable couple said simultaneously. The vixen spoke, "And the whole point of it is to wait to get out. The only thing I've learned here is patience, I swear."

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