1.2 - Waking Up

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When I woke up, I was really tired. I hadn't known how much of an effect jet lag could have on someone until experiencing it. My eyes felt glued shut, but I managed to open them. It was still dark outside, so I checked my phone to see what time it was. It read 5:54. My alarm was scheduled for six minutes, so I chose to get up anyway and reset the alarm clock for tomorrow.

I looked around having forgotten that I'm living here now. It would for sure be a change, but a change for the better. I wasn't planning on waking Echo for another forty-five minutes, so he could get some more rest and so I could finish packing his bag and get breakfast and lunch for us.

I was extremely careful walking into Echo's room. I could have gone a bit faster—it's not like the doors or carpet floors were creaky or anything—but I really wanted him to stay sleeping.

I grabbed his suitcase and walked into the living room. I laid out his clothes to wear today on the counter separating the kitchen and the living room and wrote a note telling him to take a shower when he reads it. It was 6:15 a.m. by the time I was ready to shower.

The shower was small, as it had no tub, but neither o us needed one. I brought the softening shampoo and conditioner into the bathroom with me, along with a hairbrush and some body wash. I rinsed my hair thoroughly with the shampoo and extra conditioner, then used conditioner on my chest fluff. I then rinsed my body and combed through my hair and chest fluff to make it as soft as possible.

I dried off and put on an outfit that complimented my hair and fur. It consisted of dark blue jeans, a neon orange, long sleeve fur-tight shirt and the orange hoodie from yesterday that was in Echo's suitcase.

The hoodie was my favorite because it had a picture of the Sydney Opera House on the front and had little pockets on the hood for my ears. I had the same shoes from yesterday, which were white, blue, and neon orange, and the same scarf, which was really cozy and did its job very well.

It was six thirty when I was completely finished putting my clothes on and drying my hair. I would say I looked alright. My hair was tucked back into my hoodie, curled and shiny. Some people don't like how long my hair is, but Echo loves it so I don't cut it.
My chest puffed out a bit in the center because of my fluff, but it seemed natural. To some I looked handsome, I think I look like everybody else.

I walked out the door with my phone and credit card. I figured I could walk to one of the pizza shops and get a few slices for breakfast and lunch for the two of us.

It was 6:45 and I had just gotten the pizza, so I decided to call Echo to wake him up. It was still dark outside and much quieter than yesterday had been. Echo picked up almost right away.


I could tell jet lag had got the best of him too. "Good morning to you too. It's time to get up for school ."

"...I'm tiiiiiired. Just, just five more minutes."

"Sorry, but you'll be late if you don't wake up now."

"...Uhmmmmmm... Okie I'm awake."

"Good. I'll see you in five."

"Yeah, yeah, you too." and then he hung up. He was not a morning person. Like at all. That time of day seemed to make an opposite effect of Echo's bright and bubbly personality.

As I walked through the door, I heard Echo showering, which meant he saw the note. The water stopped and about five minutes later he walked out with a randomly strung together outfit. It didn't match, but it was very colorful, which did reflect his personality. It wasn't the one I picked out for him, but he still looked good in it.

Two Halves Make a Whole (Straight Furry Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن