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Dora sighed as she heard Teddy cry from the other room. Diaper, hungry, desperate for attention? All of the above? Parenting was hard.

She sat up groggily. What day was it? She glanced at the calendar. April... April 30? What time was it? She wanted to sleep again. The silence in the air claimed her senses.

Silence? Wasn't her son crying only a few moments ago? She rushed into the nursery, her heart pounding with every step.

She pushed open the door, and heard soft giggles and coos. Her ears picked up the sound of gentle humming and her nose smelled the faintest hint of baby powder. She opened the door a but wider and peeked inside. Dora found her husband cradling their son, singing softly.

Teddy gurgled, his hands reaching for her the moment he saw his mother. Remus looked up and chuckled. She smiled softly and held out her arms so she could take Teddy. Remus shocked his head, laughing once more.

"There's breakfast on the table, if you'd like." he said, smiling down at Teddy.
"As much as I'd love to, I have to feed him, darling."
Her husband raised an eyebrow, "Alright. I can start the laundry while you nurse Teddy.
Then we can heat up breakfast again." he smiled slyly, "I made waffles."
"Thank you, darling." she answered, somewhat teasing as she brushed her lips against his cheek in gratitude.
"My pleasure, love." he smirked back at her, faking a bow after Dora took Teddy from his arms.  

Dora smiled and sat down as she nursed Teddy. He seemed hungry when he'd woken her up and now suckled happily. She supposed Remus was already awake due to the fact that he was a morning person, much unlike her. He also must've changed his diaper, because the nursery had smelled like fresh baby powder as she walked in. Her husband also had powder on his pajamas. She snickered, thinking of the white powder dusted in his hair.

She'd began to wonder of Teddy would ever want a little sibling. Dora knew for a fact that she would love to have more kids. She also felt that Remus' thoughts on this would be something along of the lines of 'if it happened, that's wonderful! If not, that's alright too'. Though, before they had Teddy, she knew he wouldn't have wanted kids. But now, she knew having their baby boy had changed his mind.

Maybe in a few years, she thought, when Teddy's a bit older.

They'd been wanting to prepare for what would come after the war. If they won, how would everything change? If they lost... she didn't want to think of the outcome.

What if one of them died? Of course, Teddy would still be raised by at least one of them and her mum. Even the Weasleys. If she and Remus died, she knew without a doubt that they wouldn't hesitate to take care of him. But Dora could herb torture her poor mother like that. She knew her mum wouldn't be able to stand another one of them dying.

She felt Teddy stop suckling, and glancing down at him.

"Are you still hungry?" she asked, even though her month old son wouldn't respond nor understand her words. Teddy seemed to have nodded, which amused Dora, "Alright, alright."

She let him suckle again and she sighed, feeling extremely tired. She hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, and most of it had consisted of nightmares. And Teddy woke up in the middle of the night a lot, so her and her husband's sleep was out the window. And when Teddy slept, they were cooking, cleaning, and spending time together as a couple. Sleep included.

Teddy seemed full so she had to burp him. She wanted to laugh every time he burped. It didn't sound like a burp you'd expect from an older child. Baby burps were quieter and more consistent.

Dora walked into the living room, holding Teddy in her arms and against her chest. Her son seemed to smile, which made her giggle happily. Remus also walked in, holding a bundle of clothes in a basket. Dora nearly laughed. If anything, it was her husband that was the housewife of the household, even though they were both home together. Remus cleaned and cooked most of the time when she was taking care of Teddy or fixing the garden and their clothes.

"Hello," she smirked.
Remus raised an eyebrow, smiling, "Good morning."

Teddy babbled and squirmed in her arms. She heard Remus' booming laugh as Teddy reached out for him. He quickly set down the basket and took their son from her arms. Remus was laughing, looking so much happier than she'd seen.

I can't wait for him to start talking, she mused happily, and crawling. In a year's time, Teddy would be able to crawl and say a few words. She eagerly looked forward to the day that he could go to Hogwarts. And she and Remus would be there, hearing him say his first words, seeing him walk towards something, taking to Platform 9 3/4.

"We haven't visited Mum in a while." she mused aloud, "Maybe she'd like a visit from us. She hasn't seen Teddy in a while either."
"That sounds wonderful. Tomorrow?"
"Of course." 

Remus still held Teddy, who was smiling as he sat in his father's arms.

"See Dora, I think he likes me better." he teased.
Dora scoffed, "No, he clearly likes me better, Remus. I am his mother."
"And I'm his father."
"Did you carry him for nine months? No."

He made a face at her, and she wrinkled her nose in return. Suddenly, they erupted into giggles, and smiled as Teddy's fingers curled around his father's tightly.

"We never actually celebrated your birthday." she whispered.
"We didn't celebrate yours either." he chuckled.
"Now I feel bad."
"Don't, you were eight months along and had absolutely no energy to do anything. I on the other hand, had absolutely no excuse."
"It was August, and we were all so stressed about what was happening."
"Maybe we should just celebrate," Remus said, grinning, "You know, just a small thing for the three of us. We could bake a cake and such."
She smiled softly as her lengthened her hair slightly for Teddy to grasp at, "That would be wonderful."



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