Chapter 1: The Opposite Sides

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[Many decades ago]

I am a fool. Weak. A failure. The belief that I was the formidable protector of this world has crumbled. The arrogance of youth made me think I could stand against a force greater than myself—greater even than my own conscience. My weapons, my shield, and sword, they all failed me against her might. The very ones who believed in me, who saw me as a leader, now lie dead. Dead. The word gnaws at my soul whenever I dwell on it.

Evidence of my failure drips from my nose and mouth, mingling with the blood oozing from a gash on my cheek. My mask is in tatters, a symbol of my shattered power. The world around me is now a desolation, the consequence of my inadequacy.

And then she appears before me. Her mask is stained and familiar, but it's that wicked grin that chills me to the bone. My eyes are drawn to the neon glow of her cyan axe, its blade tainted with the dark, visceral fluid of death.

That entity, that abomination, has razed this once tranquil land. My efforts to halt her have been futile. My combat skills pale in comparison, embarrassingly so. I may be hailed as a powerful Techno, but in her presence, I am nothing more than coal to her diamond.

A diamond forged in menace.

I dare not underestimate her power and prowess. Cyber A, the malware that embodies my true moral nemesis. She is cruel, merciless, and ruthless.

As she approaches, I try to steady my breath, but each inhale shoots pain through my battered body. In an instant, she moves with the speed of sound, seizing my collar and smashing my head into the wall.

Agony erupts at the back of my skull, shaking me to my core. She drags me upward until we're face to face.

"Any last words, Techno A?" Her grin remains unsettling as ever. Her aura radiates a thirst for blood, distorting my already blurred vision. Her cyan eyes seem to emit the only light in this darkness.

I clear my throat, though it comes out as a pitiful whimper. Logic evades me as emotions take hold.

"Why, Cyber A?" I manage to choke out, despite my strained voice.

Cyber A chuckles. "You should have taken back your question, Techno A."

My body is thrust against the wall once more, her energy constricting my throat. Her axe sweeps toward my neck, stopping just short.

"The satisfaction of dealing with pure Technos like you has always eluded me," she sneers. "But the end isn't near yet... You're too much fun, unlike the rest."

She leans in closer, her grin stretching wider.

"Here are your pitiful options: first, I spare your life and heal you, but I obliterate this pitiful Tech-Verse, reducing you to a sobbing wreck. Second, I dismantle you piece by piece, then resurrect the Tech-Verse, except you'll be missing from the equation."

She pauses, savoring the moment.

"Now, choose," she whispers.

I never thought I'd be trapped in this sick game, ensnared by a predator reveling in my torment. Cyber A takes pleasure in ensnaring countless victims, and I'm just another pawn.

Yet within the chaos, a glimmer of opportunity arises.

The first choice offers a fresh start, a chance to rebuild the Tech-Verse, to make amends while the slate is still relatively clean.

The second choice, however, paints a bleaker picture upon closer examination. Yes, it revives the world, but with a sinister twist. The memories of the revived Technos will be tainted, their purpose obliterated. Without me, the Tech-Verse would crumble.

Gritting my teeth, I find my voice, "T-The first choice."

Her reaction is a feral howl, a shriek that slices through the air. "A terrible choice, Leader!" she taunts. "True leaders prioritize their people. How arrogant of you!"

My instincts scream that I'm being played. Her laughter is hollow, tainted with madness.

Then, a surge of energy courses through me, foreign yet powerful. Her hands envelop me, and I feel my wounds healing. I'm lowered to the ground, now face-to-face with her. Amidst her grotesque visage, there's an eerie allure.

"Very well," she scoffs, turning away. "Time to unleash destruction. And don't you dare try to stop me, or the consequences will be dire." Her glare promises pain if I intervene.

I draw a deep breath, fighting the urge to retaliate. The survivors' screams echo in my mind, their agony a testament to my failure.

But what can I do? Cyber A has spared me, whether out of sadistic satisfaction or her own twisted ends. I can't bear to ignore their cries, even if they're the last I'll ever hear.

Throughout it all, I refuse to look. I can't bear to witness the aftermath of Cyber A's rampage.

It's all a blur.

As time drags on, she departs, leaving only devastation in her wake. The once-vibrant Tech-Verse is now a grim shadow, and I can't shake the guilt of my complicity in its downfall.

Time continues its relentless march...

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