Chapter 15: Blade

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Agony flares through me as the knife finds its mark in my chest...

Teeth gnash into my flesh, searing pain igniting every nerve...

Blood traces a torturous path down my face, pooling around my eye and soaking my cheeks...

It's a pain that mirrors what Techno L endured...

Stick to the damn plan, Denise!

In Lane's strategy, I place my trust, my life on the line...

This situation is a sickening knot of frustration...

Stay focused, stay alive, that's the mantra...

But the grip of agony is unyielding,

I can't let go, not now...

Through the blur of pain, Cyber L's cold eyes lock onto mine...

The world dims around me, a dance with the edge of consciousness...

Hold on, Denise, just hold on...

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