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Technology is a wonder of our world, an essential part of daily life that makes everything faster, more efficient, and more accessible. From the vast network of information found on the internet to the gadgets that make life easier, technology has undoubtedly contributed to the progress of humanity. However, it's not just humans that benefit from this innovation; even the environment has become more efficient with the help of technology.

The evolution of technology began in the 1830s, and since then, numerous geniuses have improved it to become a life-changing innovation. Despite its many benefits, technology has its problems, including glitches, bugs, lags, and the most insidious of all, malicious software, or Malware.

Malware is a computer virus that can wreak havoc by corrupting and destroying databases or even stealing personal information. Some people have downloaded legitimate malware software to eradicate and defend against it, imagining little micro soldiers shooting and slaying those malicious monsters. This concept is both fascinating and terrifying.

As the core function of technology, we are the Microsparks who live and defend it against technological threats. We call ourselves the Technos, dedicated to eradicating or confining malware and other digital menaces that threaten the peace and hope of the Tech-Verse. We often face common malware, but we also stumble upon rare and dangerous ones.

Welcome to the Tech-Verse, a place where peace and hope reign supreme, but danger lurks around every corner. As Technos, we are always ready to face any technological challenge that comes our way. We are not just ordinary Microsparks; we are the core function of technology in the Tech-Verse.

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