Author's note

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Hellow people or person or whoever you are,

I just wanted to say thank you for reading this story especially if the grammar is shit

It's been a long time that I published this story since 2014, when you've ever read the first original chapter, I'm so sorry if its horrible. After few months without an update, I decided to re-write the whole story to make it better (heh)

I only remembered that the mc (before was named Lane) have a dream about a woman with a mask (Cyber A XD) and she's getting killed blahblahblahblah. But hey, I read my own story and Im like, "who the fuck wrote this piece of shit?"

Maybe I'll type some random questions about this story. Why am I posting questions in this chapter? Because incase that after you read the story and you are so curious what the author do the stuff. That's why most of the author's books have questions at the back of the book (I wish my story is really published as a book :[ ). So meeeeeh.

But first, imma introduce mahself.

I'm Gio (just my nickname), I'm still in highschool and 1 yr to go before college.
I draw, write and read stories as a hobby.
I got an idea for this story from my imagination, which its totally messed up. I'm sorry, I'm not very good at introducing myself.

-questions time-

Is this a requested story or it was just made it yourself?
It was my purpose. I'll be specific here, I wrote that story because my ideas and thoughts are like "hey bro why dont you write it down so people can see what youre thinking?" Yeah, my thoughts are so annoying. So I decided to type it down in a very first time. Then after few months, bling, new idea. Then violà, Welcome to Techverse bitches.

Are you going to write the second part?
Yes (its already published but unfinished)

How much more you know about technology?
To be honest, I have no idea. I didnt get any sources from books and google about the real history of technology. So I got those idea from my mind only.

What did you do before the huge update since April 2015? :3
I write three to four chapters of the story (duh) and I'm also writing chapters in my other stories also. In my free time, well, my usual stuff like eating, reading books and sleeping. Yeah, I'm very lazy.

Hey Gio, are there any Straight ships beside Gay and Lesbian ships?
Nope. Well, there are some but not canon.

Where do you get these art from other chapters? Do you request any artists to make them for you?
The artwork after the Introduction is from deviantart and I made the rest of them. Seriously, it takes tons of time.

That's all folks. :D

P.S., thats my artwork above where the three teens having fun (Denise, Lane and Isabel)

~Mysterious-Agent a.k.a Gio :3


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