Chapter 10 Stronger

Începe de la început

"but remember the night he was conceived" harry says as louis starts to smile

"was the night we got married" louis says" you know, shit" louis says squeezing harrys hang" i have never have had regrets about marrying you not the first time not now"

"me neither, but i do regret everything i have done to you" harry says

"i know but i dont care about that you are here now and we are happy" louis says as he starts to breathe and squeeze harrys hand then soon they get a knock on the door and the dr walks in

"how your you doing" she asks

"im good my hand hurts i think louis is trying to rip it off me" harry says knowing she was talking to louis

" yeah please take care of him, im just trying to get a tiny human out of me" louis says as he starts to laugh

""well mr and mr styles if you can please move this along my next appointment is at 4" she says jokingly

"i'll try we have dinner reservations at 7 so hopefully this little one can hurry up" louis says

"well ok now that that is settled let me check you" she says as she lifts louis blankets up and checks him" your about 6 so 4 more and your set you might make that dinner reservations by 7"

"hear that, baby at 6 steak at 7" louis says

"sounds like a good plan" harry says as they all starts to laugh

"Well i'll come back to check you in an hours if your start getting the urge to push press the nurses button and dont push until some one comes and checks you"

"yeah i will" louis says as the doctor walks out of the room" did you hear back from everyone"

"yeah niall is picking up the twins and liam is picking up christina our moms are taking the first flight and will be here as soon as they can and zayn is going to go and pick them up, Niall and haillee are going to keep all the kids and will bring them by when jakob is born thankfully its friday so we dont have to worry about tomorrow" Harry says

"yeah ok , umm harry call i nurse i need to push" louis says

"wait but the doctor just left"

"look this process either takes for ever or its quick i think jakob really wants that ice cream so harry go get a nurse" louis says

"ok fine" harry says as he presses the nurses button

"nurse jane how can i help you"

"my husband says he has the urge to push and dr laura said to call you if he did"

"harry this is dr laura i'll be right there" and a few seconds later the doctor walks in and checks louis

"shit this was quick" she says" louis harry are you ready to meet jakob"

"are you serious" harry says" i feel like i'm gonna faint"

"look we dont have time if you faint we will leave you there until this little guy is out so pull up a chair incase you feel queazy"

"yeah ok, thanks" harry says as he grabs the nearest chair

"ok louis you know the drill on each contraction you push as hard as you can, if i remember correctly ben was your stubborn child" she says

"he still is takes after harry" louis says

"hey thats not nice" harry says

"look when you pop out a kid you can blame anything you want on me" louis says

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