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How You Two Meet

"Hi, welcome to Chili's. How can I help y'all tonight?" I ask, greeting a table of Asian men who seem to be staring a little too hard. I kept a smile on my face, raising an eyebrow. "Ah, yes," One exclaimed. I giggled at his reaction. He was cute. He had dyed chestnut brown hair and a dimple when he smiled.

"I'm Johnny," The tallest one said. "Nice to meet you, Johnny. I'm(Y/N)," I pulled a twist down from my face. They finally ordered their food and I went off to give the order to the kitchen. I sighed, wiping the sweat off my forehead before someone cleared their throat. "Excuse me, miss," He asked softly. I turned out and smiled at the same cute guy with dimples. "Hi, sweetie. How can I help you," I questioned. "Um...bathroom ?" He stated more like a question. "Okay. It's down there," I pointed to the sign. "Thank you," He bowed slightly and went on his way. I thought I heard him mutter something in a language I couldn't quite understand.

I walked back to them, delivering their food. "Here you go. Eat up, I'll be back if you need anything else," I explain to them before leaving. They all smile at me before digging into the food.

"Bye, (Y/N)! Goodnight," My coworker Gracie yelled. I laugh, waving at her. The cool autumn breeze brushed against my face. Walking to my car, my name is being called. (Y/N)! (Y/N)," I turn and see it's the cute guy with dimples. "Sorry to bother you but I really wanted to get your number from the restaurant but I was too nervous," He panted with his hands on his knees. "My number," I questioned. He nods his head quickly. "Sure, give me your phone," He hands me his phone and I save my contact. "Call me...," "Jaehyun," He finished. "Bye," I said opening the door to my car.

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