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I had finished working,gone on my maternity leave three weeks ago and I had two weeks left before my due date. Today was new years eve and we were all going to carter corp for the new years eve party I had promised Matt that as soon has I  started to feel tired I would let him take me home. I had been having  slight stomach cramps all day but when I rang my doctor she told me not to worry it was probably just Braxton hicks but if they get any closer together or my water brakes to go straight down. So Matt had my to go bag ready in the boot off the car. So we could all be together on new years eve when half the group didn't work at Carter corp Lisa was taking Adam as her plus one I was taking Dorris and Matt was taking chris.
We all entered the building the music was flowing.we were all having the time of our lives when one of Colin's songs came on that was it for me all the emotions I had been holding back for six months came rushing to the surface "why do I have to still love the sexy arrogant metalhead" I thought to myself has I was trying my hardest to run to the bathroom. When I got there I locked myself in one of the stalls. When suddenly I heard footsteps dreading it was Cassidy. I did not even dare open the door I  was in no mood to to deal with her. All of a sudden I heard two voices.

Dorris  "Ellie  are you in here"

Lisa   "it's ok sweety come out"

Ellie  "why did he have to leave and forget us. After he made me promise to wait for him?"

Dorris  "there might be a good reason he hasn't been in contact and as for making you promise you really had no choice"
she said whilst she waved towards my heavily pregnant belly. I laughed she did have a point but even if I wasn't pregnant I would have waited for him because no matter what I was in love with my sexy metalhead. Whilst he was gone I spent most nights cuddled upto a cushion crying. Even tho Matt had offered to comfort me whilst I dozed off it didn't feel right having another man in my bed. When the pregnancy progressed further along I had started to play early recordings of the band with colin singing and talking putting the head phones upto my stomach so my two little boys would know the sound of their dads voice. I had been doing this every morning,night and even dinner breaks under the table so no one realized what I was doing or exactly how much I was missing Colin. The twins got so familiar with his voice they would now kick like there was no tomorrow everytime they heard his voics.

Lisa "so are you ready to go back out"

Ellie "yep"

All three of us walked back out to the party just as ryan carter was finishing his new year speech.

Ryan "one final announcement we will be having a special surprise guest appearance at midnight. He's one of our very own. So keep drinking and dancing to find out who he is"

Lisa,Adam,Dorris,Chris and Matt all turned around to look at me "no it can't be" I thought to myself. when all of a sudden my waters broke and my stomach contracted "no no no not now" I said to myself as all my friends dashed towards me even Ryan Carter himself  ran over to check I was ok. I would have laughed at the look of shock on his face when he relised I had gone into labour if I wasn't in so much pain. Within minutes were in van rushing to the hospital. Lisa rang the hospital to let them know we was on the way due to my waters breaking whilst Matt drove as fast as he could. Once we got to the hospital I was taken straight to my private room Lisa,Dorris,Chris,Adam ando Matt were all asked to wait outside whilst the doctor checked my cervix to see how dilated I was.

Doctor "ok Ellie let's see how far along you are to delivery these two lititle guys, first do you think you will be able to get dressed into either a night dress or along t-shirt. You can keep your bra on but leave your knickers off"

Ellie  "ok I will be back in a minute" 

I went off to the bathroom to get changed I put on the long t-shit which Colin had given me the first night we had spent together nearly two years ago.

A rockstar and a secret pregnancyWhere stories live. Discover now