The Becoming

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"It necessitates the shedding
Of the soft velvet antlers,
In the bustle of becoming
A majestic regal Stag
From an adorable pristine fawn"

"With each passing season's grace.
an adorable pristine fawn
Sheds his soft velvet antlers,
In the bustle of becoming
A majestic regal Stag,
For growth must come with change
As time will always march along."

"In the bustle of becoming,
A majestic regal Stag

It necessitates the shedding
Of the soft velvet antlers,
For growth must come with change,
As time will always march along.

And so, the stag sheds antlers,
To let new ones take their place,
For this is how he grows and thrives,
With each passing season's grace.
No longer doe-eyed and innocent,
But a creature fierce and strong,
A majestic mellower stag,
Whose antlers sing a mighty song.

For they are not mere ornaments,
But symbols of his might,
And with each shedding, he gains strength,
To rise up to new heights.
And though his antlers may be gone,
And youth has long since passed,
He stands proud and tall and true,
A creature built to last.

So let us shed our antlers too,
And embrace the growth within,
For only then can we become,
The best that we have been.
For life is but a fleeting thing,
A journey full of strife,
And only those who shed their antlers,
Can hope to gain new life."


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