Chapter 10: Joy

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"Step one is getting dressed and then we meet back here in the living room. Coen your pajamas are in Wesley's room. Your pajama will be a color that matches with someone else, and they will be your teammate." My dad smiled at all of us, the never-ending excitement growing.

I was so ready for the scavenger hunt to begin. Each year we played these Christmas challenges, and I was prepared to win. Especially since Coen was here. I already have a competitive edge, but I really cannot go out a loser in front of him.

Once we were released upstairs, I pulled up the long gown rushing toward my room. On my bed was a red flannel onesie, but instead of the long pants they were shorts which were way more comfortable to sleep in. Not to mention, my body had disproportional long legs and no onesie could fit me properly.

A hand knocked at my door. "Come in!" I yelled back. The door creaked open. Coen, like a sexy silhouette non purposefully posed, had one arm on the door frame, the fabric of his pajama set tightening around his arm muscles. I took in a deep breath at the sight before me.

"Same team?! Let's go!" He exclaimed in excitement. I hadn't even processed he was wearing red also. "Can you take my necklace off please." I returned his smile, giggling at how happy and relieved he was to be my teammate.

He released his hand from the frame and walked over, his hands reaching up toward my neck. They brushed my skin with attempts to grip the clasps. His concentrated breaths sent shivers down my spine and a cool rush of air swept over my body, involuntarily moving my muscles in the process.

"Stop moving." His commanding left hand gripped my waist, his fingertips pressing into my bone, and then he pulled me back in place. That kiss was doing something to me. I had found him attractive before but now everything he did was effortlessly sexy. I was beginning to be nervous around him, and I didn't like it.

I cleared my throat and swallowed whatever lustful ideas were racing through my brain. "All done." He dropped my necklace delicately in my hands, a smirk on his face. He must have been aware of his effect on me. "Thanks." I quickly added as we walked out the room back downstairs.

"Now for the first game of the night, here is an envelope." Mom handed each team one. I looked around examining the groups. Usually, Joey and I were a team, Wesley and Tyrone were a team, and Macy was a cheerleading spectator, but things were different with Coen here.

"Inside will be your first clue, you will be led around all over the house finding five more clues, the last one leads you to the victory destination. Okay first, give me your team names."

"I'm team Solo Dolo. I plan on winning because with Coen here, I no longer have Wes weighing me down." We all scoffed, laughing at Wesley's hurt expression. He attempting to secretly flip him off, but dad slapped his hands out the way.

Mom looked at me and I thought of the first thing that popped in my mind. "We're team latex gloves." I blurted out, my brows furrowing at how odd I sounded. Coen whipped his head my way before bursting in laughter.

"Why latex gloves?"

"It was the first thing I thought of."

"We're team Eye Candy." Joey and Wesley said simultaneously as they flexed their muscles. My dad laughed and gave them a high five. It was my mom's turn to slap hands out of the air. "Don't encourage that."

We all stood in silence waiting for the cue to begin. "Oh, you can start now." My dad grinned turning around and walking away with my mom. Coen ripped open the red envelope, a small white card fell out into my hands. I flipped it around, one side reading 'Serenity's Bedroom' and the other side being the clue. "I guess the hint is my bedroom and the clue is, located in a place you love, you search here for a new world to be a part of."

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