Chapter One

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Tae and I are sitting next to each other at Tae's family dinner table. His family invites him and I over each month for a family dinner and to watch a movie together. It has been this way for three years as Taehyung and I became friends when we were 20. But last year it all changed when Taehyung asked me on a date. A year later we are still together, and just as happy as when we first started dating. Taehyung's family welcomed us in with open arms and approved of Tae dating another guy. Since then we have been going over to Tae's family house and having a nice dinner and watching movies together. 

"How has the apartment going? Is it clean?"  Yunseo asked us. Yunseo is Taehyung's mother, and she is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. 

"The apartment is going good, and yes it is clean, mum" Taehyung says, sounding offended that  Yunseo would dare ask him that. The only reason why it is clean, is because I like things being clean while Tae couldn't care less. But he does help me clean, which I am very thankful for.

"How about you, Eon Jin? How is your boyfriend doing?" Yunseo starts to ask Eon Jin, Tae's little sister by one year, questions.

"Yeah Yoongi is going really well, he was disappointed he couldn't come tonight. Work was making him stay back a bit longer tonight," Eon Jin answers.

Eon Jin has recently moved out with her boyfriend Yoongi, and I have yet to meet him in person. Whenever she mentions the name Yoongi, my heart stops for a second. Yoongi was the name of my very first boyfriend, and we were together for 2 years. But Yoongi is a common name so I knew it couldn't be him, plus he moved away years ago.

Eon Jin talks a lot about her boyfriend during the family dinners. They have been together for about 3-4 months. Apparently he came to the last family dinner, but I missed it due to me catching the flu. I was excited to meet him tonight, but it is unfortunate he couldn't make it tonight. Hopefully I can meet him at the next family dinner.

"Is he treating you well?" This time the question was from Taehyung. Taehyung is protective over his little sister, sometimes it can be a bit too much, but he does back off in the end. I find it cute how he wants to protect her and not let anyone hurt her.

"Yes he is, last week he took me out to this fancy restaurant for our 3 month,"  Eon Jin's boyfriend sounds like a romantic, i'm just glad that she is getting treated right. Since being with Tae, and hanging out with his family, I have come to be good friends with Eon Jin.

"Jimin still hasn't met Yoongi, hopefully work won't get in the way for next months dinner," Yunseo says hopefully. 

"Yeah, it would be nice to meet the guy you keep talking about," I agreed with Yunseo. Everyone except me has met the famous Yoongi, while I had to be sick while everyone met him. Next month I will get to meet Eon Jin's boyfriend, Yoongi.

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