"Sort of." She lied. She could feel Elijah's eyes burning into her back making her stop and turn to look at him with an annoyed look. "Oh my god, just spit it out, Elijah."

"This part of the bayou is dangerous, Maddison, and you're carrying a child." He looked down at her stomach with worry.

"Yeah, that's why I asked you to come with me. I know that we're heading deep in the bayou-"

"Still dangerous." He interrupted as she glared at him.

"But I need to find this book. It's my family's and it's the key to helping people. You, Klaus, Rebekah, it can help my child be safe. If you don't want to be here, then leave." Maddison turned back around and kept walking onward. Destroyed cabins and abandoned camps were set up among the bayou. It looked like no one had been here in years. Nothing seemed to be standing that well.

Elijah stepped beside her as she looked up at him. "Are you done pouting?" He nodded as if he was a toddler that just got scolded. "Good. Let's find this book." Maddison walked into a cabin that was standing okay and searched inside but had no luck. She went to cabin to cabin to look but came up empty.

"This is hopeless." Maddison sighed and put her head in her hands as she took a seat. She needed a break after searching so many of these cabins. "And I'm starving and tired. And the baby is probably hungry too." She ranted off before realizing there was no answer. "Elijah? I think we've established that it's not here!"

"I think I found it." His voice spoke up from behind her making her jump in fright.

"What the hell!?" She slapped his arm making him look at her with a questioning look on his face. "Are you trying to scare me to death?" Elijah sent her an apologetic look but her eyes travelled down to old book in his hands. "How do you open it?"

"I'm not sure. Magic, perhaps?" He suggests, his tone uncertain as Maddie scoffed and threw her hands up.

"That's great. If so, then I won't be able to open it because I have no magic!" Maddison raised her voice towards the end and then took a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright." Elijah looked down at her and helped her stand up. "Let's go. We should get out of here and get you some food also."

"Yeah, good idea." She nodded and started to follow Elijah to his car. Her eyes looked to the opening to a large field and she furrowed her eyebrows. It looked so familiar to her but she couldn't place where she had seen it before.


"Mariana!" Her grandmother, Maria, called out as the little girl ran around with flowers in her hand.

"Yes?" She stopped running and walked up to her grandmother.

"We have to go." Maria rushes and grabbed Mariana's hand.

"Where?" The little girl asked looking at her worried grandma.

"Somewhere safe. Don't worry." She tells her granddaughter.

"But what about Jack?" Mariana frowns and stopped. "I don't wanna leave without him."

Maria sighed and looked at the young girl in sympathy. "You have to sweetheart. It's the only way." A tear rolled down both the girls faces and Maria hugged the littlr girl, pulling her tightly towards her. "Hey, look at me. I know someone who will keep you safe. He will protect you and he will love you like his own."

Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2] {BEING EDITED}Where stories live. Discover now