Chapter 14 : smooch :*

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Note from Author:

As you can see in the picture above, there are drafts that I keep from last year and I'm sorry for keeping ya'll waiting ahah but yeah I can guarantee that each chapter has their own exciting drama. ;)

btw I know I'm late to say this but I feel bad honestly with black ppl that are living in America. They don't deserve to be treated like trash and hearing about George Floyd truly breaks my heart. I'm not American but I feel extremely sad about what had happened there. 

It's a bit relieving that most people even celebrities took action by protesting. I wish to go there and do the same thing with all of them.  I just hope this chaos will end soon and black ppl can live in harmony and peace.

Black Lives Matter.


"It's because I have..a..crush.."

John looked at Paul in disbelief. His eyes were wide and he could feel himself was sweating. However, Paul was just looking and smiling at John.

John stood there speechlessly and he wanted to get out of the awkwardness between him and Paul so he tried to walk away but Paul pinned him to the wall.

"Where do ya think you're going ?" Paul asked him with a cheeky smile.

John still couldn't believe his ears.
Does he really has a crush on John or just wanna fool him?

"D-Do y-you really like-" John stuttered and was interrupted by Paul who was now pressing his lips on John's.


John really wasn't expecting the kiss from Paul but he was so happy Paul did it.

John closed his eyes and kissed Paul back.
As they were smooching, John could feel Paul chuckled a bit. He then began caressing John's cheek as they kissed each other. Paul slowly let his tongue went inside John's mouth and earned a moan.

John moaned, even more, when Paul started to pull and mess with John's hair. John had always wanted this. He's been imagining it and now his dream has finally come true.

Paul broke the kiss to let John breathe because he seemed like he was going to pass out. John was panting and blushing from the hot kiss that they were having.

"You're okay?" Paul asked, almost out of breath as well. John could only nod and Paul went to kiss on John's neck. He was now biting, leaving marks on John's neck and he started panting.

"O-Oh God P-Paul" John moaned as Paul was sucking on John's sensitive place on his neck.

Paul kept on biting and trying to leave all red marks on John's neck. It was like John was Paul's now.


Suddenly John's phone rang and both of the boys were shocked. However, Paul continued to suck at John's neck roughly, causing him to moan again.

John's phone wouldn't stop ringing so he took his phone out and saw that Stu was calling him.

"Ugh not now.." John muttered by himself.

John had to pick it up eventually but didn't stop Paul from what he was doing.

He answered the phone call and heard Stu's worried voice.

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