Chapter 8: Cynthia's Party

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   Hi guys I'm back xD I know i've been gone like a year or more ? i apologize to all of who were waiting for this story to continue as well as my other stories.Tbh i became lazier and not inspired like old times but when I came back to this site and read the comments,i feel happy because there are some people who did like my stories xD and i'm truly shock when i saw the amount readers for my stories has reached 1K ! like that is a LOT.
Anyways i hope you guys are still looking forward to read my next chapter :) oh forgot to mention,i laughed at reading some of the comments xD i really glad you guys enjoyed it eventhough its a bit cringy xD.

well enjoy for this next chapter!


Everyone were talking and not doing their work since the teacher who was suppose to be teaching them had a meeting.

John was in a group of 'popular' students and happily talking with them.
"Hey I have a party at my place tonight. Ya'll wanna come ?" A blonde girl named Cynthia Powel offered them and they gladly said yes.

"How about you, John ? Wanna come ?" Cynthia asked John with a sweet smile.

John smiled and nodded.

"Of course ! I want to have a little fun so it's a yes for me" John said.
Everyone in the group cheered when John agreed to join.

"Hey Paul c'mere !" A boy from the group named Ivan called Paul who just got back from the toilet.

John sighed lovingly when Paul came near to them.
"What's up ?" Paul said and eyeing everyone including John.

"I have a party at my place tonight. Wanna join us ?" Cynthia asked.

Paul took a long time to think and he asked who else is coming for the party.

"There's a lot people that I invited like Ivan,Jane,Pet-"

"John ?" Paul interrupted her and everyone were silent.

John was shocked because Paul out of the blue called out his name.

"Um what about John ?" Cynthia asked curiously.

"Is he comin' ?" Paul asked without looking at John.

Everyone were now looking at Paul and John and they slowly grew a smile on their face.

Cynthia smiled as well. "Well go ask him then" she said.

Paul turned to John and met his eyes.Paul wasn't embarrased at all and he looked confident.He boldly ask John if he's coming or not.

"So ya comin ?"

"Er yeah. You don't have to if you-"

"Okay I'm in !" Paul suddenly agreed and everyone cheered.

Paul then looked at John and smiled at him.

John was shocked of what just had happened and he smiled back.

He's happy that Paul is coming too.


John quickly went upstairs,ignoring his mother who called him to eat.

He locked his door and jumped on his bed. He took out his phone and went to text Stu.

Itsonlyjohn: STUU !

Stuartlittle: let me guess, is it about Paul again 😑 ?

Itsonlyjohn: YES

Itsonlyjohn: he's joining the party !!

Stuartlittle: wait what party ?

Itsonlyjohn: Cynthia Powel's party tonight. You didn't know ?

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