Falling back into the passenger seat you pulled your belt on, turning to face Jennie showing you were ready to go

"I swear i'm going to raid your wardrobe when you're not there one day" Jennie stated while studying your outfit

"As long as I get my clothes back I don't mind" you chuckled, the girls knowing how protective you are of your clothes

"To the mall" Lisa shouted from the backseat after a moment of silence making you flinch in the process

An apologetic giggle left her lips as your hands rested on your ears to protect them

What's her secret to endless energy?

What drugs does she take?

It took about 20 minutes to get to the mall

20 minutes of Lisa's constant singing as you occasionally joined in to help her out on parts she didn't know

Before you knew it, the car was parked and Jennie was making her way towards the entrance leaving you and Lisa in her dust

"What's the rush for?" you panted out after the short jog you and Lisa took to catch up to the speedy girl

"You guys were taking too long" she smiled innocently as the pair of you continued to follow behind like her shadows

"Here we are" Jennie sighed in contentment upon reaching her favourite shop

You hadn't been paying attention to where Jennie was leading you, you just followed along obediently

You peeked inside the shop to see racks upon racks of fancy clothes

White tiles laced the shop floor with a magnificent modern chandelier placed delicately in the centre of the ceiling, providing just the right lighting

Nothing in the shop looked out of place, all the clothes sat in the right place, nothing on the floor

All that ran through your mind after seeing the glamorous display in front of you was...

"Damn, how high are their prices going to be!"

"Damn, how high are their prices going to be!"

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You had enough money but still...not the point

Oh well, it's for Jin's birthday, may aswell go all out

Jennie's hand gripped around your wrist pulling you into the shop

Hangers, hangers and more hangers were launched at you as the clothes attached to them folded frantically over your arms, trying desperately not to drop them all as Jennie loaded you and Lisa up with outfits

She grabbed some options for herself too and strutted to the changing rooms

"I've never seen someone so serious about their shopping" you stated in bewilderment laughing it off and stepping into the changing rooms after her

You had all been trying on outfit after outfit for a good 30 minutes before settling on one each

You were finally able to breathe again as you gave all the clothes you weren't buying back to the staff

You all payed and decided to shop for some final extras like jewellery

With sore feet you all collapsed into the chairs in the restaurant Lisa had begged you to come into

It was now 1pm and you had to admit, you could do with some food right now

Giving into your hunger, you scanned the menu and picked what you wanted, Lisa and Jennie doing the same

The waitress came over and took all of your orders, coming back with your drinks shortly

The food arrived about 10 minutes later, making your mouth water at the sight

You practically inhaled the food infront of you, Jennie doing the same

Lisa was eating in a civilised fashion after having eaten a big breakfast unlike you and Jennie

You sipped away at your glass of coke, listening to the girls discuss some recent drama in one of their lessons

As they were engrossed in their conversation you quickly took out your phone to check it, not wanting to seem rude or like your weren't listening even though you knew they didn't mind

Upon studying the notifications spread down your lockscreen you saw a familiar name pop up

"Tae?" you mumbled in a whisper to yourself

Swiping across on the grey box and putting in your password swiftly, you opened the chat and read the message from the boy you had been so worried about since his strange turn last night

Could you come over to my house please? I want to talk to you x

You felt slightly panicked that he wanted to talk to you

You didn't know what he was going to say and that was the scary part

Knowing your tendency to overthink you forced the bad thoughts to the back of your mind as you sent him a quick text back

Okay, i'll come over in an hour or so when I get back from the mall x

And with that you slipped your phone back into your bag, focus now back on the conversation

But you couldn't help but let those bad thoughts linger in your head

Why are you like this?!

Having paid the bill and tipped the waitress Jennie escorted you all back to her car, driving you straight back to your house before taking Lisa to hers

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