Chapter 13

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Okay so, I was wondering if any of you loyal readers would like to create a cover for this book, Hannie, Who? I've been thinking about this for a while but, I'm gonna create an email for you guys to email me from! So, to create a cover just Dm me and I'll give you the email and then I'll pick the best one. I'll tell you exactly what I want on it and the one I think looks the best I'll choose it. Then, in every chapter from 14 on I'll add an honorable mention and give you a shout out! Thanks for reading my story and let's get on with the chapter!


"Hayden!" I groan as he leads me to wherever.

"Come on! Don't peek! I'm taking you somewhere special!" I can almost feel him smiling.

I sigh, "Fine, but you'd better not let me fall." We continue walking for a while and I start to hear carnival music. "Are you taking me to the fair?" I ask as I open my eyes.

"Dang, I should've given you earplugs!" He shakes his head.



When we get to the fair the first thing Hayden does it head towards the booth where you throw the baseball and try to knock down the blocks.

He slaps a five dollar bill onto the table and the guy hands him three balls. Hayden knocks it down with the first one.

"Which one do you want?" The guy asks him, pointing to the huge stuffed animals hanging up.

Hayden picks out a huge panda bear and hands it to me. I smile and we head over to another booth. After a while, Hayden and I decide to ride The Zipper.

"Where should I put the panda?" I ask Hayden.

"Just bring it with you. We'll be enclosed in a cage anyway," He shrugs. Soon enough we get to the front and get locked into one of the cages.

They start the ride and immediately I regret getting on it. The cage we're in is creaking and groaning like a piece of junk metal that's been sitting in the rain for too long. Suddenly a bolt falls down from the ceiling.



364 words. Whoops! Oh well, I promise I'll write an even longer chapter soon my cuties! If you've not read what I wrote at the beginning of this chapter please go back up and read it. I would really like for you all to join in my contest! It'll be super fun and even if you don't make the cover I'll be sure to add a cover on each new chapter and give you a shout out. Plus... I'll give you an email to message me on so that way you can talk to me even more! So... don't forget to like, comment, and vote! Also, don't be afraid to DM me!

-Lots of Love, <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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