Chapter 8

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Scarlett's Pov-

I sit in the desk chair in Hayden's room with the back faced towards the door so I won't have to see Hayden's face when he walks in.

I hear the door click open and Hayden's voice, a low whisper, "Scarly? Are you okay?"

I keep looking out the window and don't turn my chair to face him.

"Scarly. Listen to me. I can say sorry as many times as I want but, all the times it comes out of my mouth will never express how sorry I am." I hear Hayden's footsteps cross the floor and he turns my chair around.

Tears are still rolling down my face but, I don't make eyes contact.

"Scarly. I love you."

"No you don't." My voices comes out stronger than I intended but, I like it. It makes me feel like I'm not as weak as I think. "Hayden, if you loved me you wouldn't have brought Dani there and you wouldn't have tried to use her to hurt me. I'm leaving Hayden. I'm done with you."

I stand up out of the chair and open the window. I climb out onto the branches thick with condensation. Just as I'm about to reach the window my hand slips.

I'm falling.

I hit the ground and blackness creeps over me.

I'm out cold.

Authors Note: Okay, so I haven't written this one for a while but, I'm happy with this chapter even though it's short and leaves you on a huge cliffhanger. I'm just so happy when I leave you all with cliffhangers because, then I have a reason to write more and continue the story with actual good chapters not just Hayden and I talked and then end it. lol. I hope you like it!

-xoxo, <3

Hannie, who? (Hayden Summerall fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora