Chapter 6

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"You're still gonna date Johnny?" Hayden says.

I nod, "Yeah. I like Johnny. Johnny likes me and Annie likes you. Works out just fine."

Hayden runs a hand through his hair, "But we just... and I-" He stutters.

"Hayden. It'll work out better this way."I say

He nods and takes a step back, "Yup. Umm...sure. I need- I umm...I'll be right back."

I watch him walk out the door.

Hayden's Pov-

I walk out the door. I need some fresh air.

I walk downstairs and out the backdoor.

"Why do girls have to be so complicated." I kick a stone with my shoe and send it flying across the yard.

I call Rush Holland.

"Hey. I need you woman whispering abilities." I joke.

He laughs, "I'll be right over."

Scarlett's pov-

I watch Hayden pull out his phone and talk to someone.

I sigh and I climb out the window onto the tree to my house.

I open the window and sit on my bed.

"Why does this have to be so complicated?" I whisper.

Hannie, who? (Hayden Summerall fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now