Chapter 12

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I grab onto the branch in front of me just as the branch under me breaks off.

I grin as I pull myself back up into the tree, "See Hayden, I'm not gonna fall again..."

He sighs and grabs my arm pulling me closer to him that way I don't almost fall again, "You need to be more careful Scarly."

I stick my tongue out at him and pull myself away, "Dude, I'm fine. I'm not a helpless little girl, I can do things by myself..."

"Scar, I'm just trying to help you..." Hayden sighs.

"I know, and I'm lucky that I have an amazing best friend who's always looking out for me," I smile and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "You're a really good best friend Hayden."


Hayden's Pov (This is like a few hours later)-

"And then she said, 'I'm lucky that I have an amazing best friend who's always looking out for me. You're a really good best friend Hayden.'" I say to Rush.

"Dang dude... she really friend-zoned you..." he says as he sits in my desk chair.

"I know! I thought after she came out of that coma and we kissed things would be different but everything's just the same, if not worse!" I throw my arms up in exaggeration and fall back onto the bed.

"Hey, it's fine Hayden. You still have a chance to win her back," Rush smiles.

"And how do I do that?" I ask.

"She already knows how you feel so... take advantage of that. Act as those you are her boyfriend, minus the kissing and all that physical stuff you would do if you were actually her boyfriend, just show her how great of a man you can be to her!" Rush says.

"That's actually not half-bad, Rush... I'll try it!" I grin and he stands up.

"Well, tell me how it goes," and with that he walks out of my room.

I chuckle a little and text Scarlett.

'U wanna come over?'

'Sure, be right there. Open ur window.'


Scarlett's POV-

"Hey hey, what's up!" I smile as I duck through his window. Suddenly a huge burst of cold air hits me.

"Hey Scarly," he smiles and sits on the bed with a sweatshirt on.

"Gosh...why is it so cold in here?" My teeth chatter and I cross my arms to try and keep some warmth.

"Oh, it was just super hot in here so I bumped up the A/C a little so it wouldn't be as hot... You look really cold, here." Hayden stands up and pulls his sweatshirt off revealing no shirt under it and slips over my head.

"Wait, but you're gonna be cold too then," I start to pull the sweatshirt off but he pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around my waist.

"It's fine, I'll just use a blanket..." We both sit on the bed and Hayden wraps the blanket around both of us pulling us impossibly closer.

"Summerall, you'd better not be trying to pull something on me," I try to pull away but a cold burst of air hits me and I immediately push myself back up against Hayden.

"Scarly, it's okay. I'm not doing anything. I understand that you like Johnny and that's okay by me..." He grins.

"Oh...okay I guess then..." I say. Wait, why is Hayden acting like this all of a sudden and why do I all of a sudden just wanna kiss him. It can't be that I'm actually falling for him even more, right? I just have to remember... Annie still likes Hayden even though they broke up. It would be wrong to go behind Annie's back and kiss Hayden, besides I like Johnny. Johnny's nice and funny and not to mention good looking. I can do this. I can resist this...

Authors Note: So.............. please don't kill me! I understand I've literally ghosted this whole story and haven't even been on my account for a good while so, I'm really very sorry! And I pinky promise that I will update this story even more in the upcoming week. It's just high school is so much different. I actually need to care about my grades and I have a crap-ton of honors classes. I'm also in a play which I have to stay very late after-school for so, I'll try to write in between breaks and... don't forget to like, comment, and vote! Also, don't be too afraid to DM me and talk to me!!

-Lots of love, <3

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