The Calm

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             You shift, tugging on the restraints in thought. "So, any last words?" Ceasar inquires. You pause and blink, looking at him before looking to Lucci beside him.

"I'm proud that I had such great partner. Thanks for worrying about me." You smile. Then you look to Ceasar. "And you a bitch." You smirk, giving him a nice view of your middle finger. Ceasar's face twists with rage.

"START THE TEST-" The other room fills with flames suddenly and you blink in surprise.

"Thats not part of plan S..." You mutter just before someone crashes through the window, landing in front of you. He gives a smile, dipping his tophat before breaking your restraints with a pipe and picking you up.

"Hold on Ms.____." He rumbles before the guards rush in. You blink and hold onto him.

"Time to glitch." You murmur glitching him through the floor. He pauses looking around briefly before looking at you.

"Oh. Thank you. But save your energy please." He smiles. You raise an eyebrow before letting him carry you out of the building and into a very unnatural storm.

"What..." You breathe.

"You didn't think I came alone did you?" He hums with a slight teasing voice.

"I honestly was only expecting one person and thats-" You look away and smile as you spot the person. "Law." He smiles in relief as you're put down and run over to him.

"Sorry, plan S kinda got replaced." He breathes, looking you over before hugging you. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Excuse me, hate to break the reunion. But we really must be on our way." The blond speaks up, making you both look over.

"Right, Room." Law breathes and a bubble envelopes the three of you. Suddenly you're all in a large room, surrounded by people. You blink a few times before pulling away from Law. "___?"

"The Surgeon? Are you serious?!" You burst.

"___, I can explain-"

"You bidded on yourself! How conceited! And over confident!" You gasp.

"First of all you're the one that suddenly went pro RedDemon when I was clearly the better choice." He defends getting offended.

"Oh so you got jealous." You smirk. He pauses mouth hanging open slightly at that.

"At least I dont change sides at random!" He grumbles looking away.

"Law you of all people know how random I can be!" You remind him.

".... ___." A familiar voice makes you stop and look over as your former principal approaches.

"Dragon? Wow you got old." You fold your arms. His eyes narrow at you and a frown comes to his lips.

"I did not..." He sighs. "Focus, we have important business with you."

"What?" You ask peering around the group before pausing. "Wait, you're leading these trouble makers? Talk about irony..."

"How is it irony?. We're making a better place for everyone." He scoffs.

"Because you used to be all. '___ don't pick fights, ___ learn some manners, ___ for the last time stop defacing school property!" You mimic him.

"I do not sound like that. And you're bad behavior had no appropriate cause. You were just a bad kid." He says pointedly. The blond clears his throat at that, making Dragon pause and straighten. "Stop that." He points at you.

"Oh right we need to focus..." You cough. Law and the blond chuckle at that, sharing a glance.

"Now then... Sabo has been overseeing things in the guard for quite some time. And after the FireFist incident he said you'd be in danger." Dragon says gesturing toward the blond.

"Thank you for that by the way. I was going to bust him out myself during the test but you saved him." Sabo smiles. You straighten looking at him for a few moments.

"... SABO!" You burst suddenly tackle hugging him.

"Heh now you remember me?" He chuckles patting your back. "Though I shouldn't be surprised we were kids the last time I saw you."

"Me and you are going to catch up so hard." You inform him pulling back.

"I'll be looking forward to it." Sabo rumbles.

"Focus." Dragon waves at you. "Then we noticed your friend cross the wall and figured you had a plan."

"I do. We're taking the wall down." You shrug slightly.

"I brought the outter blueprints. But the guard invaded your apartment so I couldn't get the inner blueprints." Law tells you.

"That's fine bring me some papers I'll get them down for you." You tell them.

"... You're going to the blueprints by memory?" Law says in surprise.

"Yep. Been looking at them for two years now." You nod.

"Here you are." Sabo swiftly acquires some papers and pencils for you. You start to sketch the blueprints, giving pointers as everyone huddles around.

"Now once the forcefield is taken out there are small weak points in the outside wall, here, here and here." You point at the blueprints Law had brought. "But there are mechanisms inside that can seal any holes in the wall in moments. So you need to get in and destroy these. But be careful because I made Anti-Super torrents throughout the inside of the wall. Which can be shut off in three different control rooms also located in the wall."

"... It took you two years to do all of this?" Law breathes.

"You're talking to someone who doesn't know how to sleep." You hum. "So its kinda like two and a half years."

"How do we get past the forcefield?" Sabo asks.

"Leave that to the glitch." You smirk. "Law, contact the others. We'll start at... Five tomorrow afternoon." You hum.

"... Why that time?" Law raises an eyebrow.

"Because five is a quiet time and most guards will be on break." You smirk.

"You should be a general or something with power after this." Sabo mutters.

"I'll just be happy if we dont die... Especially if they bring out the pacifista..." You mutter.

"What exactly are those..?" Dragon questions.

"Anti-Super mecha that were made to perserve Guard life... They're equipped with lazers, cannons, guns... Bombs... and a nuclear power source that they can detonate..." You grow quieter as as you list them off.

".... So this can potentially break out into a war." Sabo breathes.

"War. Or Armageddon.... So call your loved ones and right some wrongs because tomorrow might be your last." You agree. 

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