We Missed You

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            The guard was half asleep, and wasn't prepared for the super that appeared in the hall. Their suit was metallic, but shifted randomly like a glitch. He couldn't believe his eyes, for a moment his mind went blank. "Wait-" He finds his voice but the super holds up their arm, a cannon forming from the suit. His eyes widen and he leaps out of the way as a beam rips through the far wall.

He looks back in shock, stiffening when the super crouches beside him. "WHEre iZ tHE KeY KEEpeR?" The static like voice demands.

"A-Ah.... M-Mr. Magellan has them! H-He's in the control room!" He gasps. The super straightens as the alarms sound. There's a 'tsk' from them before grabbing the guard and dragging him down the hall.

More guards appear ahead and you toss the guard into the group. He glitches into them and they all fall, crying out in shock and horror. Stepping around them, you carry on swiftly for the control room. This area of the building was different from when you were last here.

The large Super comes into the hall ahead of you and you both stop. "MAGeLlaN I pReSUmE?" You guess, lifting your arm.

"How did you get in, Intruder?" He questions.

"THe sAmE WAy I'mm GeTtinG OUt." You respond, firing at him. Two purple, slime dragons maneuver around the beam, coming at you. You blink and glitch through them, freezing when you hear sizzling. You look down at your armor as some parts dissolve. 'Damn... I'll have to go all out.' You think, rushing the super and turning on it's force field. He sends another poisonous dragon at you and you dodge, throwing some experimental grenades at him. They explode with electrical pulses, stunning him briefly.

You rush him, spinning around him as you snag the key cards. You stop at the elevator and turn back, lifting your cannon, blasting him from behind. You get on the elevator as he falls and touch the button to go down to the cells. The elevator opens up again to show a pack of guards waiting. You sigh quietly before tossing a flash bomb at them. The flash stuns them and you lunge forward, glitching them into eachother before rushing to Ace's cell and opening the doors.

He blinks at you before relaxing and smiling a bit. "Hey, long time no see..." He manages as you kneel before him, removing his restraints.

"Not nOW." You respond, helping him stand up before stepping into the hall. The sound of sizzling and hissing makes you both look toward the elevator just as the doors are forced open by Magellan, dripping with poison.

"... Shit..." Ace echoes your exact thought.

"You're not getting away!" The guard snarls. You had to admit, you felt some pride that your guardsmen were so relentless. Then a vague feeling of annoyance set in.

You move in front of Ace protectively, changing the setting on your cannon. "BarRAge SHot." You breathe aiming and releasing a string of blasts. Ace raises an arm beside yours, a plume of fire exploding from it. Smoke fills the hall and you grab Ace, glitching through the floor.

"What the hell!?" Ace holds onto you, looking around in surprise.

"THiS WaY." You pull him along, glitching through another wall and starting down the stairs to the tunnels. You relax, letting your mask open up. "This will take us into the wall, then I'll glitch us to the other side." You breathe leading the way. Ace trails behind you.

"Yeah, it's good to see you too Ace, Ive missed you so much." He says slightly sarcastic. You blink and look back at him slight confusion. He blinks and frowns lightly. "You've really lost touch..." He murmurs, touching your shoulder. You pause before looking away.

Anti-Super ~ Eustass Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now