Two Years

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        You frown up at the wall, making your way to the gate. "Hello ma'am, would you like protection during your visit?" A guardsman asks.

"I came from that side, just let me through." You respond bluntly. He gives a nod to the operator and accompanies you through.

"I'll wait for you on this side." He offers a smile. You blink at him and shift.

"Have we met before?" You question.

"Oh, I guess you wouldn't remember me... I'm Coby." He gives a slight bow. "We went to the academy together, until you graduated a week after." He offers a sheepish smile. Oh.

"I'll try to remember that." You pat his head before continuing into the Super Zone. You look over the familiar city blankly, seems like more places had been destroyed before you in forced the forcefields. A small sigh leaves you as you walk over to the car you were renting for the day.

You dive straight to the cemetery, not interested in meeting anyone today. As you pull up, you catch sight of someone at Sunny's grave. Pausing briefly, you debate whether or not to go over. Finally you decide to get out and start his way.

The raven haired man looks over and pauses in surprise before straightening up. "___..." He breathes.

"Hello Law." You offer a nod. He shifts, looking you over.

"You look like you haven't slept in days." He murmurs.

"It happens..." You shrug. "You still look like you should be a male stripper." A small smirk plays on your lips. He smiles a bit and chuckles.

"I've missed you... So much." He breathes coming over and hugging you. You pause at the friendly gesture, it's been so long... It felt alien. You hug him back, slightly awkward.

"Yeah... You too..." You murmur and he pulls back.

"How long will you be on this side? I'd like to get lunch with you." He requests, obviously hopeful. You hadn't wanted to stay long, but you couldn't really say no to him.

"Sure, let me just chat with him for a bit." You smile lightly. He gives a nod before walking over to your rental and waiting. You go over to the head stone and sit down. Seeing his name still sank nails into your heart. "Hey buddy, I brought you something." You smile pained setting the orb like device in front of it.

"It's solar powered, at night it turns on, making holograms dance in the dark... I put lions, supers, us into it..." You bite your lip. "I have one at home too, but it's mostly you and Merry... Oh, I'm head of Super Research and Security now. But I know you would be upset with me if you knew exactly what I do..." You drop your gaze to your hands. "I'm only doing this to save people... Please don't hate me when we meet again." You whisper, tears escaping your eyes. "I miss you so much Sunny..."

With a sniffle, you get back to your feet, closing a kiss on the headstone before starting back to the car. Law frowns softly, wiping your tears away. "It doesn't get easier does it?" He breathes. You meet his sympathetic gaze and shake your head. "Come on you can ride with me and I'll bring you back to your car later."

"... Alright." You agree. Law gives a slight relieved smile before leading you to his car.

"Am I the only one you've seen so far?" He asks as you both get in.

"Yes. I wasn't planning on seeing anyone..." You tell him.

"Yeah I figured... But I'm glad you agreed to hang out..." He offers a smile before driving out, you glance at him before tilting your head against the window.

Anti-Super ~ Eustass Kid x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin