I rolled my eyes enthusiastically as the noises started again. "How long are they going to keep this up?" I said whilst slowly sipping my coffee and directing my eyes towards Magnus. My boyfriend simply laughed and came and sat beside me on the couch, abandoning the table completely, "She's happy Alexander, after everything that's happened recently she's relieved of any pressure, let her enjoy herself." 

"Do they have to be so loud? She's still my sister and I apologise for not wanting to hear that." I say gesturing towards Jordyn's room. Magnus lay against my side and rested his hand above mine on my knee, "She's no more disruptive than you my love." he said and hid his head as I turned to face him, "I'm not that bad." I argued. "Sure you're not." he said and we both laughed lightly. "I think I'll take the day off." I said as I wished for nothing to disturb us. "I don't see an issue with that." Magnus said and I smiled widely. Just as there was a moment of peace the door crashed in, Jace, Isabelle, Clary and Simon following suit. 

"We're all having a movie day!" Izzy declared and I mentally face palmed, well it was good whilst it lasted. Jace and Clary headed straight to the kitchen to grab coffee and Simon started going through Magnus' movie collection. Izzy stood dead in front of myself and Magnus, "C'mon get up it's not everyday we get this chance. Now, where's Jordyn and Trey?" she asked, Magnus and I exchanged a look before we started laughing hard. Next thing a sound almost erupted from Jordyn's room and everyone stopped what they were doing. 

"Was that.." Clary started, "Jordyn an-"

"Trey? Yes." I finished for her, Jace started laughing alongside Magnus and I whilst Izzy, Clary and Simon didn't move a muscle. Izzy recovered first, "Finally!" She squealed and clapped loudly before returning to help Simon. Jace started heading towards the room, "Jace what the hell are you planning?" I said sternly when I noticed his grin. He carried on towards the room and, before we could comprehend what he was doing, he was running back towards us and taking cover behind Isabelle. 

Quickly followed by, a very bare, Trey, Jordyn charged towards Jace in nothing but a T shirt and glaring daggers into the blonde haired dumbass. "You're dead." 

"You can't kill your newly discovered adopted brother." Jace petitioned whilst everyone's eyes alternated from Jordyn, to Jace, then to Trey who, realising his state, ran back to the room and returned wearing more than boxers this time. Jordyn simply grabbed a throwing knife from her ankle and looked up to meet Jace's eyes once again, "Try me." 

The rest of us were silent, Trey tried to convince Jordyn to put the weapon down during also asking her how he didn't notice she had one on. Izzy looked to Jace, "What did you do?" 

Jace looked stunned wilst Jordyn still remained vengeful, "I may have thrown my coffee over them both, despite it being really hot." 

I face palmed as Magnus aimed to try and stop himself laughing without success, I stood up to join Trey in avoiding my sister's potential plan for murder. I turned to face Jace, "Apologise. Now."

Jace looked hesitant but after two hard slaps on the back of the head from both Isabelle and Clary, he conceeded, "I'm sorry for throwing hot coffee on you. Please don't kill me sister." 

Jordyn narrowed her eyes but eventually lowered her arm, only to in a split second let the knife fly towards Jace. It hit the wall behind him in an instant and I swear I've never seen Jace look more terrified for his own life. He looked up again and smiled smugly, "You missed."

Jordyn also grinned, "No I didn't." she said and waited until Jace had turned around to see what she hit before she left to change clothes with Trey, "Sorry Magnus." she said as she walked away. Jace gulped when he saw her knife perfectly at his lower region in a photo of the Lightwood family including Magnus, Clary and Simon on the wall in Magnus' kitchen. Magnus, too amused to even care she'd damaged the photo, waved his hand to fix the frame. We all laughed for a while before watching movies of everyone's choosing once Trey and Jordyn had returned.

The day was perfect after that, we were all able to enjoy eachother's company for once without the threat of anyones life. We drank like there was no tommorrow, well not me since I'm now known by the group as a lightweight, and we laughed like there was no burden that could trouble us. Clary was sat between Jace's legs on the floor and Izzy was lying her head on Simon's lap. Me and Magnus hadn't moved from the couch and Jordyn was sat on Trey's lap on the couch opposite with cocktails in hand thanks to Magnus. 

Izzy had been trying t coax Jordyn and Trey into fessing up about their relationship for hours. Questions after questions and Jordyn's irritability is showing. 

"How long have you been together?"
"When did you first meet?"
"Do you love eachother?"
"Is Trey moving in?"
"Can I finally start calling you Trordyn?"

"No." Jordyn said,  "Never say that again and as far as the other questions go it doesn't matter." she carried on as she took an enormous gulp of her cocktail. Trey held her close and she rested into his side, much to Izzy's glee. "You're both adorable." 

Jordyn mouthed the word 'Help' to me only to recieve a shrug, "We all had to endure it, now it's your turn." I said and Jordyn melodramatically sighed. We all started laughing and eventually Izzy's questions stopped, only for Jace to ask one last one. 

"How long have you both been fucking?" 


Everyone went silent. Jace was the only one laughing at himself and Jordyn looked as though she was going to kill him again, before Trey whispered something in her ears, and she calmed instantly. I looked to Trey and spoke my praise, "How the hell did you calm her down so quickly?"

"He's a better person than me." She stated bluntly before embracing him once again. Jace recieved a slap from Clary once again and the whole room went back to laughter, none of us really paying attention to the movies anymore. 

Magnus stood up from leaning beside me and whispered he would be back in a moment, I suddenly felt cold without his prescence beside me. I never noticed until now, looking at the couples all relying on each other's existence as if they gave eachother oxygen, that we were all in a good place. I'd never been happier with anyone until moving in with Magnus and now I realise how much I depend on him too. He returned as quickly as he said he would and turned off the TV, demanding the attention of everyone. 

"Magnus what are you doing?" I said as he suddenly dropped to the ground on one knee. 

"Alexander I wanted us to have a perfect day to ourselves but I realise now that this day was perfect regardless so I'm going with it." 

"Going with wha-"

"Alec shut up!" Izzy screamed in excitement and Magnus simply laughed. 

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, I love you with every ounce of myself and every fraction of my heart. I would interrupt every wedding, give up any shred of responsibility, break every law, just to be there by your side for the rest of our lives, I love you. And one day, we'll all be together like this again, with children of our own and a new sense of commitment for all of us. But for now..." he said and my jaw could've crashed to the ground when I saw him open a box to display a stunning gold ring, "You've always seen yourself as second best to everyone else around you, a silver piece behind a golden set, now you'll always remember you're my gold, no matter what. Alexander would you give me the honour of being you husband? Will you marry me?" 

Everyone's faces showed adoration and shock, everyone was silent. I was silent. I was speechless. A subtle cough from Jordyn reminded me where I was and I grabbed Magnus from his knee and kissed him as though he would let go, as if he were my oxygen. We finally separated, I looked into his beautiful eyes and smiled. 


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