She has been thinking. I am not surprised, even though we agreed to move on. My mom still has the impact of her abusive marriage imprinted on her mind, those scars are still living and fresh. And I know, I can't just wipe away those memories from her mind in just a second, it will take time. I know sometimes she thinks it's her fault that my life was never a happy one, that she didn't give me the life I deserved and got married to an "asshole" who inflicted so much pain on the both of us.

Hugging her suddenly, catching her off guard. But she leaned in and threw her arms slowly around me, and I said in a quiet voice against the back of her head, but it was audible enough to be heard "I love you."

"I love you too honey," she said and let out a smile that looked forced. "You've grown up so quickly," She said, as she cupped my cheeks, causing me to look up at her eyes. I saw the tears that almost slipped from her eyes but she brushed them off.

"I'm going now, I don't want you to get all emotional on me," taking hold of the handle of my handbag and positioned it over my shoulder, checking to see if I had everything I needed. And made my way out of the door.

The building I am currently standing in front of is towering over me. The height of it shading me from the sun, as I gazed up at it's exterior view, I let out a sigh. It's a private institution, if it wasn't for the scholarship, I'm sure I wouldn't even be able to afford this place.This school certainly drew me in, It's well kept, closed cropped lawns, I caught a glimpse of was a beauty, I must confess. The wide stretched hallway was a sight to behold, the aesthetic design of most of the buildings was a plus to other eye gripping sceneries in the school.

I walked straight to the administration block and I met the secretary, I was told beforehand that she was going to give me some of the stuff I needed.

She has blonde wavy hair and she kept flipping it back every second. I'm not exaggerating. She is deadass doing it. Her outfit is undeniably perfect and you could discern that she has a great sense of style. She is typing something into her computer, which clearly looks to me is more important than my presence.

I'm standing here trying to gain her attention with every way I could. sigh, Okay, I am pissed now. I resort to my way of doing things, I slap my hand on the desk causing her to jerk up in surprise, I clear my throat.

"Hi, I'm Adriana Dawson, I am part of the list of students shortlisted for the scholarship scheme," I said as I fake a faint smile, but it seems like she isn't convinced.

"I hope you were aware that you were supposed to come earlier this morning, You're late." She said in a tone that sounded "bitchy" but, I'm not going to say anything to her because she was right and I can't defend myself in this matter.

I plainly said "I'm sorry, I just got caught up. Can I please get my folder now, I think the time won't go any slower if I stand here"

"I don't have time for this," she said, with a glare slapping the folder on the table. The look on her face says it all, that she isn't going to like me in the least.

Muttering, "Thank you" before making way to my out of her sight, I am hoping that, I will not be seeing her again for the rest of my stay here.

I still don't know the direction to my first class cause, this map isn't helping, this school couldn't get any bigger. I have to intensify my pace and find my class because I am. Someone bumped into me and not just a person I think, more like a hard brick wall that doesn't move.

Raising my head up to see an angry guy, but man is this person gorgeous and his sharp brown eyes are staring daggers at me. He raised his voice at me" Watch, where you're going"

"Excuse you, but you bumped into me and stop yelling at me like that." I snapped clearly annoyed at his loud outburst, meanwhile, he was the problem here.

He is clearly shocked at my outburst, he said "I suggest you should be apologizing by now love"

This guy is getting on my nerves. I spoke letting out an exasperated sigh, "First of all don't call me love, you bumped into me, I think you know the one who is suppose to be apologizing by now. You're not blind from what I can see. Lower your ego boy your head can't take so much more and lastly, why don't you make yourself useful and show me where Hall C5 is located"

He looked at me with a tint of surprise and unreadable emotion I couldn't pinpoint, he moved a little closer causing my back to hit the wall. Space between was so little I felt slightly uncomfortable. He was invading my personal space. All I could think of at the moment was that.

This is it Adri

Told you your mouth will get you into trouble again

"So you have such a loudmouth. Shut it or I will as well shut it for you. Don't mess with me, love. I'm dangerous than I look, I'm watching you"

He drew back, I hated my cheeks for turning red. He noticed and left with a smirk plastered on his face. I'm still standing here in annoyance, staring at his retreating back as he exits the hallway, turned to a curve that led to where I am headed.

Great now I'm late for class

And now I got Mr don't -mess- me with his egotistic self on my "dick" for the rest of the semester

Most importantly who is this guy

"I'm watching you"

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