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jisung could finally smile. after a while of waiting, he was with him. he could finally find himself in his arms. he was smiling widely as he felt his fingers running through his hair, and he wondered why minho took so long to come back to him, but he stopped questioning it when he pressed his lips on jisung's cheek and he felt like he was in paradise again. then minho giggled, and jisung opened his eyes to see how the boy he loved wrinkled his eyes as he laughed. after that, everything went silent. minho started to play with jisung's hair again, and then tucked some hair lock behind jisung's ear. jisung stared at him, but minho didn't. he slowly closed the gap between them and kissed him slowly. oh, how did jisung missed that. the kiss was nothing different from the previous ones they have had before, but it felt special somehow. he enjoyed every second of it, and he felt very saddened when minho parted away. jisung smiled at him, but he didn't smile back. he had a serious look, and that made jisung worry.

-minho, are you okay?

but minho didn't answer and, instead, he gave him a sad smile. jisung took his hand, but he felt nothing. he wasn't holding anything. he looked back at minho and saw, to his horror, that minho was slowly fading. jisung was desperate and tried holding minho, as if that'd prevent him from disappearing. anyhow, minho faded away and jisung started crying; the boy he loved the most was gone again. he cried and cried, tears falling nonstop from his eyes. and then he felt like fainting, and when he woke up, surrounded by the darkness of his room, he thought that maybe minho did not love him anymore, and that was the reason why he kept disappearing.

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