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jisung walked slowly through the school hallway. he made sure that none of his books were missing and that he won't drop any of them by grabbing them tightly. he also made sure no one was going approach him by putting his earphones on. he made his way to his locker, where he left all his books and took other things he needed, putting them in his backpack. he started to make his way to his next class when someone tapped his shoulder. he turned around to see felix behind him.

-oh hey, jisung... do you wanna be my partner at chemistry?

-uhh... i can't felix, i'm sorry.

jisung panicked because someone had talked to him. had he been seen talking with someone? oh no, had he seen it? what would he think if he saw him talking with felix? he'd probably think that he had replaced him. and later, jisung thought that yes, maybe he had seen him talking with felix, and that was the reason why he never spoke to him again.

green; minsungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt