She doubted her abilities in fighting though, knowing she barely had enough to be able to overpower anyone larger or stronger than her. But she was smart, so at least if she did manage to run into any of the criminals trying to set a mall on fire, she could hopefully outwit them all.

Fuyu was snapped from her worried thoughts as one of the large trees on the walking area of the mall was suddenly sent flying towards the ground, making the girl jump back and let out a quick shriek. It landed with a thud, taking several benches and shop fronts with it. The fire quickly engulfed the large plant and sent another burst of heat and smoke to the heroic female near it.

Fuyu glanced around in a hectic motion, flooding her body as she saw that no one had been taken out with the tree. But now seeing as this mall was starting to actually become a hazard for her beyond the smoke inhalation, Fuyu decided it was time to run through and do a final check for other civilians who might remain.

Her legs carried her quickly, her eyes looking into every shop she passed. Her hair worried the female, knowing her long black locks might be attracive to flames, but now was in no way the time to worry about it. Someone could be hurt and she was their last hope of getting out of here alive if help did not arrive soon enough.

The fire was growing by the minute... and with every step, Fuyu had to fight the urge to cough. Her eyes were already watering thanks to the smoke, and she was regretting running in here as fast as she did.

And while she knew that backup and more help was on the way, she also knew that in times when people were in trouble, she would have a rare burst of courage. That was exactly what was happening right now, seeing as she was trying her best to find and point the civilians left in the shopping center towards an exit.

She was grateful that at least no one had been injured. And while the fire was dangerous and growing... no one had gotten hurt. And she wanted to keep it that way so, despite the nagging voice in her head scolding her for being reckless, she continued to run along and look for people shouting for help.

The image of someone inside a shop made her turn into it. Her black hair bouncing as she ran faster and now seeing that it was actually a pair of two figures. One with a lizard-like appearance and the other tall with black hair. Fuyu stopped her running once the pair turned to look at her, her orbs of violet widening.

"Well well... looks like we have a hero on the scene already, huh Dabi?" Spinner smirked, looking at the younger female with a gleam in his eyes.

Dabi turned to take in what hero had shown, his own eyes widening slowly upon the site of the familiar figure with black hair and that dumb red cape she wore. His lips curving downward into a deep frown. The blues of his eyes looking directly into her soul and the hero seemed to stiffen at this.

"You take the goods out of here, Spinner." Dabi informed his partner, beginning to walk towards the girl in front of him. "This hero and I have some unsettled business."

Spinner let out a low, but sharp whistle. And while he seemed upset to not be able to join in on the fighting himself, he knew better than to try and get in Dabi's way when he wanted to do something himself. And thus, the green reptilian man gave a short nod before taking the items that had pillaged and continuing on forward to where the rest of the League was.

"Stop!" Fuyu shouted and reached out as if trying to grab the retreating villain, only to narrowly dodge a blast of blue flames that came towards her.

"We have to stop meeting like this, hero..." Dabi sneered, another powerful burst of fire coming from his hands and towards her.

Fuyu was agile though, diving behind a piece of furniture in the shop. The sounds of Dabi's thick footsteps coming closer and closer to her as the second passed by. He would find her soon, and thus she'd need to make a plan right now.

Retention (Dabi x OC - Commissioned OC Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя