Chapter 7: Under the table shenanigans.

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Chapter 7: Under the table shenanigans.

No WiFi!? My eyes filled up with tears.

"Why would you do this to me Mom?" I whispered.

"Jasmine, stop being so dramatic!" Mom rolled her eyes at me with her arms crossed.

"Now, are you going to have breakfast with us or not?"

I didn't really want to awkwardly sit at the kitchen table (Mom would insist we would) with Trudy, Gerard and possibly Axel but, considering that they made pancakes I decided to go with it.

I fought the urge to sit in the corner and rock back and forth. I just wanted to check my YouTube feed. Was that too much to ask?

It's a good thing that I actually owned a Sherlock box set. I don't know what I'd do without it.

Maybe this no WiFi thing could be an opportunity dare I say it. Okay, hear me out, if I couldn't use the internet as a tool to procrastinate I could actually do something constructive with my life.

The weather was nice and I was stuck here for the summer, so I might as well make the most of it. I could do summer things like swimming and whatnot.

Or I could go with my original plan of rocking back and forth in the corner, you know, whatever works.

I didn't have the internet to distract me so the possibilities were endless. I still had my Sherlock box set so I was definitely going to marathon that  soon, maybe tonight.

I pushed my train of thought aside when I heard Axel stomping down the stairs.

My cheeks burned red as though they were flammable. I really don't think I'll be able to look Axel in the eye after what happened. Actually, I don't think I'll be able to look at him at all.

I obviously understood what happened and I knew what happened wasn't his fault but just thinking of the awkwardness of the situation made me want to vomit. 

Before Axel reached the end of the staircase, I sprinted off into the kitchen.

Mom and Trudy were sitting across from each other at the end of the table which was closest to the door I'd just sprinted through. Dad and Gerard were sitting across from each other closer to the head of the table. It was odd that Dad wasn't sitting at the head of the table, he usually did. I needed to choose my seat quickly, Axel would be here any second. I decided to go and sit at the head of the table purely because it was closer to Dad. I honestly couldn't put up with Mom right now. Her and Trudy were laughing at just about everything and it was really annoying me.

Just then Axel walked in and looked at me (I looked down at my pancakes) then Axel looked at the pancakes and practically fell into the only remaining seat- which was right across from me. 


Mom and Trudy looked from me to Axel, looked at each other and started gigging... yet again. I felt like I was having a tea party with a bunch of five year olds.

Mom either acts her age or acts like a five year old. There is no in between. 

The cabins kitchen was quite- okay, very small. The table was only suitable for four people even though there were six chairs.

I kept accidentally elbowing Dad and Gerard while using a knife and fork to a eat my pancakes.

Mom insisted that I use proper cutlery when eating with people. 

We were all so squashed at the table Mom and Dad were practically conjoined- not that Dad seemed to mind. 

I accidentally elbowed Gerard yet again and he really didn't look pleased. He had really bushy eyebrows and the look he was giving me was quite frightening.

The Bad Boy & The Fangirl (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang