Falling For Him

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Chapter 16

I woke up earlier than I usually do the next morning and saw Cam and Nash on the bed beside the one Matt and I were in, Shawn on the pull out bed, and I couldn't see Hayes anywhere.

I got up, being ever so gentle, and got myself a paper cup from the mini kitchen.

I began filling the cup with water and Cam woke up.

"Morning." He smiled.

"Good morning." I smiled back and sat at the bottom of the bed Cam was on.

"Want to do something fun?" Cam smirked.

"Sure." I giggled.

Cam slowly got up.

"Come here." He said as he went over to the sink.

I went over to him and he grabbed my hand and put it under the soap dispenser.

He filled my palm with white foam soap and pointed to Nash.

"Smack cam?" I asked and he nodded.

He filled his palm with soap, too and we both got on opposite sides of Nash.

Cam held up 3 fingers and mouthed: "3...2..." and when he got to 1, we both slammed our hands down on Nash's cheeks, right as the bathroom door opened.

Nash awoke and tackled Cam.

Hayes had come out of the bathroom and was now yelling: "ohhhhh!" and laughing.

Matt and Shawn got up and were both laughing.

I looked at Matt as I got another pump of soap and ran over to him.

"Wait!" He smiled with his fat lip and I stopped beside him.

He was covering himself with his pillow and I took it away from him.

He looked up at me.

"What, I was just giving you some soap to protect yourself. You don't think I would've hit you with it when you're already hurting, do you?" I giggled.

"Well, no." He pulled me onto his lap and I handed him the soap.

"Look at me." He said and I looked at him.

Before I could move, he wiped soap all over my nose.

"Matt!" I giggle-screamed and wiped the soap off.

Everyone fought with the soap for about 30 more minutes and then we got tired of it.

Matt had to fight from his bed because he couldn't really get around without hurting himself.

"How're you doing?" I asked as I handed him a pain pill.

"It's better. My lip stopped throbbing." He said.

"Well, that's good." I said and sat beside him.

"Alli, aren't you worried you'll get in trouble?" Shawn asked me.

"For what?" I asked.

"Not being in your room."

"I totally forgot about that rule!" I squealed and looked at Matt.

"Will Bart be mad?" I asked.

"I don't think so." He said.

"You should get to your room just in case, though." Hayes said.

"No! Stay with us. You won't get in trouble." Matt whined.

"Just in case, Matt, I'm going to go. I'll see you all in an hour for breakfast." I said as I kissed Matts cheek and exited the room.

Falling For HimWhere stories live. Discover now