Chapter 22

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Driving though the slight snow falling, I think about what I'm going to say to Percy. I know that he has his last swim practice this afternoon and I'm just hoping that it's not over by the time I get to the school. My mind is blank, still trying to comprehend that Percy could actually like me. I thought about writing another letter to him but I am over letters. All of this could have been avoided if we just talked to each other.

Not caring that my park job is less than stellar, I duck my head and run against the wind into the gym. The swim team are on their way out, and I exhale knowing that I'm not too late. I look around the pool for Percy but I don't see him. Maybe he already left.

"Looking for someone?" A voice asks and I turn to find Percy standing there. He must have walked back in after me.

"I thought you'd left." I don't know what else to say. Not that I'm standing right in front of him, all the words I want to say won't come.

"Well I had, but one of the guys texted me that you ran in here so I came back in." He says. This is more awkward than I anticipated.

"Did you have something to say?" Percy asks, standing there. His eyes look sad, and I resist the urge to hug him.

"Uh, yeah. Yes." I stumble out. Oh god, this could be going better.

"I'm really sorry about blowing up at you about Rachel and not listening to what you've been telling me all along. Turns out my little sister kept all those notes you gave me. I always though they were blank so I never opened them. Did you really mean what you wrote?" I ask, stepping closer.

"Yes, I really meant them. Took you long enough to realize." Percy says quietly, his eyes on mine.

"Well I guess what I came here to say, is that I like you. And not in a fake way. Like the way where I get butterflies in my stomach just seeing your face and the way when you take my hand my heart skips a beat." I blurt out. Percy gives me a broad smile and steps closer, so that we are just barely a foot apart.

"Good, because I'm in love with you, Annabeth Chase. And not in a fake way. Like the way where I catch my breath when you push your glasses up in that cute nerdy way and the way your hair shines in the sun." Percy declares. I have to remind myself to breath.

Inhale. Exhale.

I never imagined myself being one of those girls who spent her whole life reading about love stories and ending up living one. I go to close the gap between us and in true awkward fashion, I slip on water at the edge of the pool and go crashing down into the water. Determined to not bear the humiliation by myself, I manage to grab Percy and he falls in with me. We come up sputtering and laughing.

"Only you could make something like that graceful." Percy jokes. I splash him, offended. He blinds me with that smile of his and scoops me into his arms. We are standing in 4 feet of water and our hair and clothes are clinging to us. My glasses have fallen off somewhere in the water and I blink the water out of my eyes.

"Are you going to break my heart, Chase?" Percy whispers.

"I couldn't if I tried." I whisper back and he rolls his eyes at my cheesy lyric response. He places his warm hands on either side of my face and kisses me like he's never kissed me before. It's tender and sweet and filled with desire all at the same time and I never want it to end. Of course, that isn't the way the world works and Percy's coach yells at us to get out of the pool. 

"Come on guys, this is not the make out room! Get out of the pool, I have to disinfect it now!" Coach Hedge yells. Percy smiles at my horrified face and helps me out of the water. We are going to be freezing when we walk out in the cold like this. Percy grabs my hand and we dash out of the gym and down the now deserted hall, dripping water as we go. 

"Well, now that we've finally got our heads on straight, I would like to officially ask you to be my girlfriend. For real, this time." Percy says to me, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. 

"I suppose so.." I reply with a coy smile. Inside I'm jumping up and down, but I contain myself as to not seem like a total dork. Percy picks me up and spins around, despite my protests. I can't help but giggle at him though, because it's nice to know that I'm the one who made him this happy. He kisses me enthusiastically and I sigh, content for the first time in weeks. 

"Are you ready?" Percy asks when we pull apart. 

"More than ever." 

More Than Just A Little White Lie~ A Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now