Chapter 13

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I wake up Saturday morning of December 1st to my phone ringing. Groggily picking it up, I don't look at the caller ID before answering.

"Hello?" I mumble out, my voice still heavy with sleep.

"Did I wake you?" Thalia says on the other end. I sit up and clear my throat.

"Yeah but it's ok. I should be getting up anyway, it's after 10." I yawn and almost fall out of my bed, dropping my phone in the process.

"Shit." I curse as I dig under my bed for my phone.

"What was that? Did you drop me?"

"Yeah, sorry. I'm still half asleep. What's up? Why are you calling?"

"Can't I just want to talk to you? It's be so long, Annabeth! How is school going? Any new friends?"

"A few. Piper's boyfriend brought his group of friends to ours for lunch so now it's rowdy since they're all guys."

"Oooh, any you got your eye on?" I cringe, not sure if I should tell her about Percy. On the one hand, the whole thing should be done soon and she won't need to know. But on the other hand, Hazel might tell her.

"No. None of them are really my type." I say, deciding to chance it. Hopefully I can bribe Hazel into keeping her mouth shut.

"What is Greece like?" I ask, hoping to steer the conversation away from me and my social life, or lack thereof. I get dressed and listen to Thalia go on and on about how amazing living in Greece is.

"Ok, Thals, sounds like you're really having fun. I have to go, I have an English paper due Monday and I want to finish it before the weekend is over." I tell her.

"Oh, Annabeth. Ever the teachers pet. Give Dad and Hazel my love. I'll see you in just two weeks!"

"Love you!" I say and I hang up. It's nearly 11 now and I really do have a paper due so I drag my books over to my desk to get to work. I'm three paragraphs in when my phone dings again, a text this time. It's Percy.

P- My mom really wants to meet you. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

I think it over before replying.

A- Are you sure?

P-You'll love her. She makes the best cookies in the world.

A- ok then. What time?

P- I'll pick you up at 6.

A- ok. See you then.


I smile at my phone because only Percy can manage to be a dork over text. I wonder if he ever took Rachel over to meet his mom. I can imagine so, since they dated for so long. I suppose it will be interesting meeting his family. I know that his dad isn't in the picture anymore so at least we have a missing parent in common. I manage to finish my paper before 6 and see that I've written over 2 pages more than what was required so if I don't get an A, I'll be very unhappy. My mom always used to call me her only little Hermione when I was younger.

Choosing to go with an outfit a little nicer than normal, I pull out my nice pair of chucks and I've just finished tying them when the doorbell rings. My dad answers it before I can and invites Percy in.

"Hello, Percy. Nice to see you again. Do you and Annabeth have plans?" He asks Percy.

"Yes sir, we are having dinner with my mom. She is insistent on meeting Annabeth." Percy says, winking at me when my dad turns around at the sound of me coming down the stairs. I grab my jacket and pull it on. December in New York is freezing.

"Well you two have a nice dinner then. Don't be out too late, Annabeth." I wave goodbye and head out the door.

"So, do you take all your girlfriends to meet your mom like this?" I ask in a teasing manner as we hop in his truck. I realize that I don't know where Percy lives.

"No, I've actually never dated anyone worth bringing to her." He answers honestly. I'm taken aback. He thinks that I'm worthy even though we aren't even dating?

"Not even Rachel? She never in the two years you dated, met your mom?"

"Especially not Rachel."

I'm silent after that, watching as we leave the large neighborhoods and enter closer to the city. Percy turns into a small parking lot next to a modest brick building and I remember that he said he lives in an apartment the first time he came inside my house.

"Most people don't know that I live in an apartment, so could you maybe keep that detail to yourself?" Percy asks me.

"Sure. I wouldn't say anything anyway. It's nobodies business where you live." I assure him. He relaxes and opens the door to the lobby for me. It's clean but nothing extravagant. The concierge  at the front desk smiles at us as we pass. Percy pushes the number 3 on the elevator and it slowly goes up. There's this weird buzz in the air, almost as if the elevator can sense the tension between us. I'm afraid that what happened last night with the almost kiss has changed things. I chance a quick glance at him standing next to me but he's looking straight ahead. The elevator dings and I step out, waiting for him to show which door he belongs too. Percy unlocks apartment 18 and moves aside so that I can enter.

Upon entering into what appears to be the living area, I smell the delicious aroma of chili, which is perfect for this cold weather. There's a little pumpkin mixed in with it, creating a mouth watering scent. A tv is playing in another room, I think I hear cartoons on. A woman comes into the living room, probably alerted by the sound of the front door closing. She's taller than me, though not quite as tall as Percy. Her hair is brown, mixed with a few grays and she has very blue eyes. I don't see much of a resemblance between her and her son but then she smiles at me and her eyes crinkle in the same manner as Percy's and I know that he gets his kindness from her before she even speaks.

"There you two are! You must be Annabeth, it's so nice to meet you! Percy never stops talking about you. I'm Sally." She gushes and I blush. Percy talks about me to his mom? I look up at him and he has a hint of red on his cheeks as well. He probably didn't want me to know that.

"Come on in, dinner is almost ready. Percy, your brother needs to get washed up. Can you remind him please?" Sally says, beckoning for me to follow her.

"Tyson, get your butt in the bathroom and wash those hands!" I hear Percy call behind me. I sit down at the little breakfast bar and Sally works on dinner. A little boy comes zooming into the kitchen and starts tugging on her.

"Tyson, say hello to Annabeth." Sally tells him and his eyes find me. He looks like a carbon copy of his older brother, just about 10 years younger. It's like I'm looking at a baby Percy. He climbs up on the stool next to me.

"Are you Percy's girlfriend? Do you guys kiss? Do you like fish?" Tyson asks me, his green eyes unblinking. It's a little unnerving but cute at the same time.

"Yes, she is. Stop bugging her." Percy says, joining us. He picks Tyson up by the stomach and carries him back into the living room.

"Do you have any siblings, Annabeth?" Sally asks me with a smile.

"I have an older sister who is away in Greece for college and a younger sister who is 13."

"Wow, Greece? Percy and Tyson's father is from Greece. Such a beautiful country."

"Boys, dinner is ready!" Sally calls and they both come back into the kitchen. I help her carry bowls and silverware over to the table, despite her insisting that I don't have too. I sit next to Percy and he offers me a small smile.

"This looks great, Mom." Percy says and with that, we dig in.

There's a little bit of a time skip from the last chapter but nothing important really happens in keeping with the timeline!

More Than Just A Little White Lie~ A Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now