Chapter 14

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"So, I really loved meeting your mom." I tell Percy quietly as we wash up the dishes. Sally took Tyson to get ready for bed, since it's after 8. Dinner was delicious and we all had fun listening to Tyson make up stories about his friends from school and whatever superheroes he's into.

"I can tell that she liked you." Percy says, taking a plate from me and placing it in the dishwasher. He'd volunteered to clean up and I couldn't just let him do it all himself while I sat and watched so we created an assembly line. I rinse, he dries and puts in the dishwasher.

"Maybe it has to do with the fact that I can put up with you that draws her in. Or my natural charm. You pick." I say.

"You're sassy this evening." Percy jokes.

"I'm always sassy, people just don't notice it. I'm a natural sarcastic person but I am constantly reminding myself to rein it in because people are dumb and don't understand sarcasm." I say, handing him the last bowl and drying my hand off.

"It's not your fault people are dumb. You should act more like yourself. Maybe then you'll actually attract someone nice and not Luke." Percy smiles. I frown, where did that come from?

"Did Luke say something to you about me? Because he and I had an interesting conversation a few weeks back about you and I." I ask. Percy turns around and leans back against the counter.

"He may have mentioned that he didn't like us going out. I pointed out that it wasn't any of his business who either of us date and he just sulked off. Doesn't seem like a very happy guy." He says.

"He said the same thing to me. We used to be so close, even when he and Thalia were together. I don't know what's going on with him. Hazel thinks that he's jealous."

"I'd say so too." Percy agrees.

"Ugh, the plan was to make him think that I don't like him, not for him to like me? How is your end working out?" I ask, curious about if he's still talking to Rachel.

"I stopped talking to her like you suggested and now whenever she sees me at school, she looks like she's about to cry. I think she's finally realizing what she's missing and it's getting to her. I don't miss her as much as I thought I would though." Percy says, his brows furrowed. I think the same thing about Luke.

"You still want to get back together with her though, right?"

"I'm honestly not sure anymore. I've had a lot of fun hanging out with you and being 'single'. I think if we got back together, you and I couldn't even be friends and that would really suck." Percy shrugs.

"I never had actual, meaningful conversations with her. She never understood how hurt I was when my dad left last year. We didn't talk about real things, like what we wanted to do when we graduated. I don't even know what her favorite book is, though I doubt she reads much. I like that we talk about stuff. I know it isn't the same because your mom died and mine just left but you understand that empty feeling you get in the pit of your stomach. I know that your favorite book is the order of the phoenix. I know that you want to be an architect when you grow up." Percy says, looking down at his shoes. I'm shocked that he knows that much about me. And I realize that I know just as much about him.

"If you aren't sure, than what are we still doing pretending? Shouldn't we break it off? I hate lying to everyone." I wonder.

"I'm not sure. Our deadline was to the ski trip, that's soon. Let's just keep going until then. That reminds me though, you have another part of your end to keep up tomorrow."

"And that is?" I wait for him to elaborate.

"I have a swim meet and you have to come and be the supportive girlfriend. Come on, Piper is going too! You can be our cheerleaders together." Percy's smile is back and I groan loudly.

"Ugh! You know, being your girlfriend is so time consuming! I've barely finished a single book since we started this whole thing and that is a real problem!" I complain. Percy isn't able to contain his laughter and he's not quiet about it.

"What's so funny?" Sally asks, back from putting Tyson to bed.

"Apparently being my girlfriend is putting a damper in Annabeth's reading, she's not finished a book since we started dating and according to her, that's a problem." Percy manages to get out amid his loud guffaws. He has a nice laugh though, I have to admit. 

"Girl after my own heart! Of course that's a problem, Percy. You wouldn't understand the complex mind of a true bookworm." Sally says and I nod along with her words proving my point.

"Would you guys like some cookies?" Sally asks and I recall Percy mentioning something about cookies earlier.

"Percy did claim you make the best cookies so I think I need to try one and see if he's right." I tell her.

"Percy, stop bragging about my baking skills. You know that your grandmother made the best cookies, I'm just using her recipe." Sally says, waggling her finger at her son. He pretends to look sheepish and we both laugh at his terrible attempt. Sally pulls out a cookie jar and passes it to us. I take one and to my surprise, it's blue.

"Blue chocolate chip cookies?" I question.

"Don't ask. It's an old tradition and besides, they taste better blue." Percy says before shoving an entire cookie in his mouth.

"Very attractive." I comment and take a bite of my own. It's delicious and melts in my mouth despite not being right out of the oven.

"Hm, these are great. I think you were right, Percy."

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" Percy cups his ear and leans closer.

"Not happening. You heard me the first and only time." I tell him. It's a quarter to 9 now and I should be getting home.

"I should go, my dad said not to be out late. Besides, aren't swim meets at the crack of dawn?" I ask.

"You have to be there at 10." Percy says, getting my jacket for me. I shrug it on.

"Getting up before noon on a weekend should be considered sacrilege." I grumble and Percy chuckles.

"Truth. But you'll be there?" He asks. As much as I wish I could sleep in instead, I nod. I have to keep up my end of the contract. He gives me a broad smile.

"Are you two leaving?" Sally asks.

"Yes, I should be getting home. Thank you so much for having me, dinner was wonderful!" I tell her and she smiles kindly.

"You're welcome here anytime, dear. It was so nice to meet you! Drive safe, Percy. It's dark out there." Sally says as she engulfs me in a hug. I'm surprised but I hug her back.

"Not it's not Mom, we live in the city." Percy rolls his eyes but I know he'll be careful.

"Thank you for bringing me to dinner. I had a lot of fun. I'll see you tomorrow?" I say to Percy when he pulls up in front of my house.

"I had fun too. See you tomorrow." Percy says. I look back over my shoulder before I go inside and he's still sitting in the truck, resting his head on the steering wheel like he's upset with himself. I brush it off and go inside.

More Than Just A Little White Lie~ A Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now