Chapter 21

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My alarm goes off, blaring loudly through my dream. I groan, throwing my arm out to shut it off. I barely slept last night, my mind reeling from everything that happened yesterday. I'm dreading school, because I know that even though Thalia managed to get the photo removed, it could have been sent though text to anyone and the likelihood of everyone at school having seen it is high.

"You look like hell." Piper says to me as I drag myself through the front door of school. Without Percy to drive me and Thalia needed her car today, I had to take the bus and I could feel the stares of all the kids. In an attempt to not draw anymore attention to myself, I wore a baggy sweatshirt and plain jeans. My hair is a mess. Basically I look like I just went through a break up, which I guess I did.

"Just what I wanted to hear. Thank you, Piper. Please tell me that everyone did not see that photo?" I ask her. I'm afraid of the answer.

"Well, I'm sure it did circulate the school but the basketball team all got suspended for getting high in the locker room so I think that scandal may trump your kinky hot tub sex." Piper says while picking at her nails.

"We did not have sex!" I hiss at her. A pair of passing seniors give me a unconvinced look and I groan. We turn down the hall where our lockers are, and dozens of my face are staring back at me. Someone blew up the image and printed it out, before pasting them all along the hallway on both sides. Horrified, I stand and watch as the hall floods with students, all of whom seem to be laughing. Piper angrily begins snatching them down. I see Percy join the crowd, since he's easily a head taller than most of us. His face is contorted with what I think is anger.

"What the fuck is this? Who thought that this would be funny? It's 2018 for fucks sake, you would think that slut shaming would be a thing of the past!" Percy protests loudly. This is not what I need right now. He joins Piper in tearing them down, while I still stand rooted in place. I don't know whether to run and hide or just deal with the fact that high schoolers are assholes. Rachel smirks at me from the end of the hallway and then goes into the bathroom.

My blood boils because I know she's the one behind this.

"Listen up you jerks: if I see anyone passing this photo around or in possession of it or even talking about it, your ass is going to meet my foot!" Percy announces, before shoving the papers in the trash. It's nice that he's standing up for me but to be honest, he might just be making things worse. The one sure fire way to ensure that people will talk about something, is to tell them not too.

"Thanks, man. Maybe you're not a total dick after all." Piper says to Percy. I'd filled her in last night after I'd talked with Thalia and she'd called Percy some choice words. My language may be colorful, but Piper's got a full rainbow of curses that might make Hades wish he had earplugs. He nods and gives me sad glance before going to his own locker. My hands form fists and I stomp in the direction of the bathroom. Shoving the door open, I find Rachel standing at the sinks. She's looking in the mirror, fixing something that probably doesn't need to be fixed.

"Why the hell would you do that?" I demand, seething. This bullshit has been going on long enough.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She says, not looking at me. Her flaming curls are straightened today, giving her this flowing mane of red that makes her look like Isla Fisher and it's not fair that she can be such a terrible person and still look like that.

"We both know that you were behind that photo. I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much but that was really low. Why? Why did you do it?" I ask. She turns to face me, her eyes narrowed.

"Because you stole my boyfriend, you selfish bitch." She claims. I have no clue what she means by that.

"What are you even talking about? Percy and I didn't start dating until after you were broken up!" I remind her.

"No no no. Before that. You knew I liked him and you kissed him anyway!" She says, pointing her finger at me. Is she actually serious right now?

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? That was the 8th grade and we were playing a game! You're insane. Like actually crazy, if you think that kissing a boy during a game of truth or dare constitutes you posting a photo like that!" I say, bewildered that this is the reason. That was 3 years ago and she still got to date him anyway!

"Besides, Percy and I broke up. You can have him if you really want him that bad." I say and with that I leave her in the bathroom.

"Are you ok?" Piper asks, shoving off the lockers where she was waiting for me.

"I just want this day to be over. Can winter break come any faster?" I sigh.


Hazel and Thalia are relaxing on the couch when I come home. I went straight to the bookstore after school, needing some alone time in my happy place. It wasn't as relaxing as I'd hoped it would be, since the last time I was in there, Percy had been there too.

"Find anything good?" Thalia asks when I plop down on the sofa next to them.

"Not really. It was kinda depressing being back there." I say, staring into nothing.

"What? Books are basically your heroin, how could your drug of choice be depressing?" Thalia asks, not getting it. But Hazel does.

"Did it remind you of Percy?" She asks. I can tell she still feels a little guilty about sending those letters but I can't really be mad at her for it anymore. Besides, it's my fault for writing them in the first place.

"You know, for someone who has never dated, you are surprisingly intuitive about relationships." I tell her.

"Thanks, I try. Are you two back together?" She asks.

"No. I don't think he even ever liked me that way anyway. It was always about his ex." I scowl. I don't know who I'm trying to convince more; myself or my sisters.

"Did you not hear what I said last night? He totally likes you back, he said it himself." Hazel swears, sitting up.

"I have blocked out all memory of last night. I have no clue what you're talking about, he never said anything to me." I tell her. Hazel jumps up and bolts up the stairs. Shaking my head, I lay back down, allowing the throw pillows to swallow me.

"Cheer up, it's almost Christmas and your favorite sister is back! You'll get over him eventually." Thalia says encouragingly. all of a sudden, a dozen of little papers are dumped into my lap.

"What the hell are all these?" I ask, picking them up. Hazel pokes her head around from behind the couch.

"I kept finding these in your pockets. I figured you'd want to keep them, so I stashed them away. Read what they say and tell me that Percy never liked you." Hazel says. I open up one and read aloud.

"Your hair looked really pretty today."

The next note reads 'Having a smart girlfriend like you is the dream. Free tutoring.' I have to laugh at that, because Percy would be a terrible person to tutor. All the notes have sweet little sentiments like that and I realize that Percy had had feelings for me all along. I stand up, causing the notes to go all over the floor.

"I have to go!" I say and I grab my coat, and the car keys. I have to find Percy.

"Yes, you can borrow my car, thanks for asking!" Thalia calls as I run out the front door. I just hope that I make it there in time.

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