12 - Jaz

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The next day I called the doctor and explained to her what happened. She scheduled an ultrasound and I was able to go the same day.

They did both a regular ultrasound and a probe. After they printed out a picture. "Yeah, it seems there's two babies in there" The nurse said. She had an old granny hairstyle and smelled like cats and tuna. "How did you guys not see that?" I asked. "Well sometimes the children move in ways that we can't see. Technology has advanced very much but mistakes are still made" She explained. Lina shook her head slightly.

As we drove home Lina held onto my hand as she drove. "Which one are we naming Ocean?" She asked. "The girl" I replied. "So what's the boy's name?" She asked. "You decide" I answered. She was silent for a moment. "Arrow" She replied. I smiled. "Arrow and Ocean Blanca - Bredgers" Lina said.


The baby shower came faster than I thought it would. Not only did we now have to inform everyone that we were having two kids now but but I had something special planned. I was tired of telling people Lina is my girlfriend. I was ready to say she's my wife.

I was sitting in a chair in the house. Jake stood next to me. "You scared little sis?" He asked. "Very" I responded. "You don't have to be. She loves you" he said. I smiled up at him. "Thanks big brother" I said.

"Can everyone gather around?" Jake called. They slowly got quieter as I motioned Lina towards me. "So we aren't opening presents yet, because there is something I would like to say and I am so glad you are all here to see it happen. I met my girlfriend Lina in high school, when I was only fifteen years old and she was seventeen. I loved her since the day I met her. We went through some rough patches, but we were brought back together by what I like to call fate. In the last eight months I decided that I am tired of telling people Lina is my girlfriend" I pulled a ring out of my jacket pocket. Lina gasped and covered her mouth with her hand "I'm ready to tell people that she is my wife. So Lina Bredgers...will you marry me? I would get on one knee but I won't be able to get back up" I laughed. Lina responded by kissing me.

I slipped the ring on her finger. It was a huge diamond with smaller diamonds around the band. She looked like she was about to start crying. I stood up and hugged her. I kissed her again. "I love you" I said over everyone's applause. "I love you too" She replied. We sat back down and in the back I watched my mom leave with a disgusted look on her face. David hugged Lina, jumping up and down. "YAAAAAAY LINA IS GONNA BE MY NEW MOMMY!!" He yelled.

We got twice as much stuff as we would if we were having one baby. After we all socialized and talked as I continued to rest in the chair. My mother walked up to me, which shocked me because I thought she had left. "You're marrying her?" She asked. "I mean I did propose to her so like...yeah" I responded. "I hope you guys are happy together" She said simply and walked away.

I didn't expect that. David came up to me and tapped my shoulder. "Mom, can I have another cake?" He asked. "Yes baby" I replied. His eyes lit up as he went to get more cake. Lina held onto my hand. "It's ok" She whispered. I nodded.

That night I sat up in the bed next to Lina. "I feel so gross and fat" I said. Lina rolled her eyes. "No you're not" She said. "I feel useless too. Once I got too big to move I hated it" I said. "What do you mean?" Lina asked. I put a hand on her thigh. "I think you know exactly what I mean" I replied.

"Well before you know it they'll be out of you and you'll be useful again" She replied. She placed her hand on top of mine and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Are you still going to the awards show tomorrow?" She asked. "Yes, we're going to the award show tomorrow" I replied. She looked at me a little strange. So far we haven't been very public about our relationship. Aside from the occasional picture of her on my social media.

"You're taking me to the show?" She asked. "Of course. We're getting married, I think it's about time we started being seen in public together" I answered. She smiled and kissed my cheek.


I sat in a chair in my bathroom trying to brush my hair. I was so frustrated, I couldn't even reach the back of my hair. I looked at the razor on the counter I used to keep the sides of my hair shaved down. I grabbed a rubber band and tied off my hair, then grabbed the razor and cut right about the band. I held my hair in my hand. The pony was five feet of curly blonde hair. Now all that was left was the super curly roots. It felt so weird seeing my hair like this.

Lina walked in and stopped in her tracks when she saw me. "I couldn't brush my hair" I said. "I would have brushed it for you babe" She said. "I didn't want you to brush my hair. I don't wanna be pregnant anymore" I replied. She came up behind me and kissed my cheek, holding onto my shoulders. "Just one more month" she said. I nodded. "What are you gonna do with that?" she asked. I looked at the long pony tale again. "Donate it" I answered.

Two and a half hours later I was dressed in stretchy pants with a dress shirt and suit jacket. While Lina had put on makeup, with a mid thigh length dark purple dress and back flats. Her lipstick was black and her winged eyeliner was next to perfect.

She drove us there. I actually didn't want to go anymore.

Turns out I didn't have to because once we were twenty minutes away from the center...my water broke...

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