08 - Jaz

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I was reading over the script for the new show I was playing in. I was offered the role of Carra Teslini. A mother of four who comes to discover herself and gets a new girlfriend, and she has to keep her children from constantly being rude to her new girl. The girl's name is Maya Corrola. Looking over the development of the character and who they were I knew someone who could play her very well. Whether they were up to it was a whole new thing. I pick up my phone and call the director of the show. It ran four times before he answered. "Jaaaaaazmina my little star! How are ya?! Why are you calling?!" He asked. "I was wondering if you were still having trouble finding someone to play Maya?" I asked. "Unfortunately no. There is no one who deserves to act alongside you! Did you have someone in mind my star?"

"As a matter of fact I did..."


The doorbell rang and I got up to answer it. Lina stood there in sweatpants and a tie dye shirt. I could see the strap of a bathing suit peeking out from her collar. "Hi" I said. We hugged and she came inside, the door closed behind her.

"The pool is out back, I need to put on my clothes first though. Larry can show you to the pool or you can come with me" I said. She laughed. "I think I'll go with you" She said. I grabbed her hand, our fingers intertwining, and we walked up the stairs. Down a hallway and then opened my room. I had been avoiding my room since the break up, but I had to go in this time to change. Lina sat on the bed and I opened the closet. Walking in I saw the line of bathing suits on the racks. I picked out a black two piece and started to change. "You can leave your shirt and pants up here if you want!" I called. "Okay!" she called back.

I looked in the mirror. Almost nervous, suddenly self conscious about everything on my body. The stretch marks. Self harm scars. Scars from shots that are always given to me in the same spot. Bruises and scratches. Cellulight. I shook my head, she loved you once, she can love you again. She does still love you. I walked out of the closet and saw Lina in a two piece swimsuit. The top piece with a collar all the way up to her neck and no stingy shit, except for the straps. The bottoms high waisted. "Follow me to the pool" I said almost awkwardly. I wanted to skip the pool and stay up here with her and just kiss her. That's it, just kiss.

We went back down stairs and passed the chef in the kitchen. She smiled at me. Her name was Mia, with long black hair and wired glasses. Her eyes a piercing green and face a diamond. Her lips small and in a permanent perse. Her nose was long and had a few freckles. She has had this crush on me since she started working here. It was obvious and she knew it. But as soon as she saw Lina she frowned up, her posture straightened. "Jaz. I didn't know you were having a friend over. Can I...get you guys anything?" She asked. "Not yet Mia, but as soon as we need something we'll let you know" I said. She nodded and I could feel her eye balling us as we walked out of the back door. The pool was right outside.

Lina stood near the edge of the pool, "I haven't gone swimming in a while" She said out loud. "The pool is nice and cold too" I said. She looked at it, the crystal clear water sparkled in some spots. I pushed Lina in, I could barely get a laugh out before she grabbed me by the arms and pulled me in. We both screamed as we hit the water. Coming back up I laughed so hard my stomach started to hurt.

"That's what you get, whore" She said. "You cannot call anyone a whore" I replied. "Why is that?" She asked. I pushed her against the wall, my hands on the edge of the pool. "We both remember how loud I can have you screaming my name" I whispered on her mouth. "Refresh my memory?" She asked. I laughed. Then slowly ran my hand down from her chest to the waistband of her suit. Then slipped my hand down them.

Lina started biting her lip while she smiled. I inserted two fingers in her. As I fingered her I connected my lips to her neck. I kissed and sucked on it while she whimpered. Her body started to twitch slightly in the way it usually does when she is about to reach her climax. "D-Daddy" She whispered. I stopped right when she was on the edge. "Daaaaaaaddy" She whined. "Shhh" I said. I started fingering her again. This time letting her cum. She sighed when she did. I removed my hand and rested it on her waist.

"Jaz?!" Someone called. Lina turned around and I looked up. Ruby stood there. She looked hurt, even more than when she found out about me and Lina the first time. "I came here to apologize and see if we can work things out...but...but I see you don't want that since you already have someone here" She said. She looked at Lina for a moment longer. "Is this her? The whore that tore us apart?" She asked. "This is Lina" I said. As Lina and I climbed out of the pool.

"You...I don't even know what would be right to say to you right now. How does it feel? To be a complete homewrecker? You destroyed us you know that? Fuck you. Although I see someone already did" She said then stormed away.

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