Chp 6

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Valentine pov

Boom....boom...boom went off in the air, it was gunshots than it finally stop after a while. It was just me and maurice, and nova here hiding within the snow covered trees and it was pine trees like christmas. Tree's like the holidays we used to have and i thought as i saw that girl run but towards caesar and i went to follow her. There was cesar, and three dead bodies all the throats been cut open and they were dyeing a infective  because of the general that do to you to cure you. That's what the gernal does to you if he thinks have the illness, i walked over to cesar he spoke " that's can't speak.

I nodded i show him, the scar around my throat as i went to get nova away from the body. Than we went back maurice, soon after the snow storm down and calm down,  finally after we got back on the horse. Than we headed out, we kept going in the direction and going towards north. Where bad ape was at, i thought as i felt cold winter wind i thought, as i was riding and cesar was in front me than he turn around " sorry for what happen to you" he said and i just nodded, than he went back to riding i thought to myself.

~~~~ cesar pov

After couples days we were close but we lost it, the girl could not talk or sign it was lost cause. She kept looking around and she began to freak out, i felt bad for her as this was happening. Than i saw the phone tower, " i'll be ...back" i told her as i went climb the tower, maurice and luca, rocket join me as well. There was that girl and nova, on their horses as we were on it, it was quite than out of nowhere i heard luca.

I saw someone took my horse and my gun, it was human, i took the spare horse we had i race. After the human and everyone else following me or trying to catch up with me, until we got to a abandon building. Maurice and nova and that girl stand behind, while we try to find  that human we found a opening. The girl came over, try to said someone with her hands she pointed but i didn't understand than he came out it was ape. This was their friend bad ape, we had found him

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