Chapter 4

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Harmony pov

It was early morning, when me and other girls had gather food  and supplies that Valentine need to lead. The apes too bad ape place, she had agreed to lead them, there it was only one day. Travel,  she was getting ready upstairs and i was so nervous for her, we all had to become like  big happy family. Here since we had escape that hellhole i didn't know why they wanted to go hellhole. I packed Valentine bag than i zip up the bag. As i heard footsteps than i saw that younger girl, nova  i smiled at him as i left the room.

~~~~~~~ victoria pov

I had just made tea for everyone i was in the living room area, looking out of the window. There was the sunrise, it was beautiful to me, it means a new day was coming. At first it started out with the sunrise , red and orange , pink than a yellow than it slowly changed. Into a light blue sky color, i smiled to myself than i took a another sip of my now warmish tea. Than i heard the footsteps and now, they began to get ready, Valentine will lead cear  and the apes to the bad apes place. I still think was a bad idea i thought to myself

~~~~~ lily pov

I was outside of the house with the other girls, they were saying to goodbye to () i was playing. With nova, is a beautiful girl that had luckily made it through this hellish war that was still happening. She made it so far, that orangutan was still close he was very protective  of her and i didn't blame him. She needed to be especially from the soldiers and it's leader, nova hugged me for a moment. As we heard a noise it was Valentine saddle up her horse, i was sad she was leaving.  We all agree if she doesn't come back in 5 days we come after her. I hope we don't

~~~~~ Valentine pov

I had just saddle up my horse, that was that was white horse with blacks dots on her fur and . she had white fur, before i got on the horse i went to each one, i hug them that was our way we were saying goodbye to each other. Than before i got on the horse and began to lead, cesar the way to bad ape place. He look at me and he spoke " thank you " i nodded and i smiled at him back. We kept going, the snow had fallen last night there was more snow before the day the apes. That came to us i thought as i kept riding towards bad ape place

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