Chapter 1

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Victoria pov ~~~

It was dinner time here, where we lived at I heard someone setting . up the table as I went to see the soup and checking on it,  it was almost ready. I look up there was harmony, she cut on her face was healing soon. Thanks to the  Colonel who abused  us and took our vocal cords so we can be cure. From a fake illness, he made up to scare people, had ponytail length brown hair. She also had blue eyes, than I saw lily reading a book she found her. When found this place and it our, home after escaping from that hellish hole. Lily has pixie bright red hair, I heard the door open. Turn than peak out there was, Valentine she had curly blonde hair bringing in firewood. She gather for us, as the soup was done, I went to get my bell. Than rang it, that mean dinner was ready, since none of can talk. Everyday was a challange for us, none of us can escape the winter land

~~~~ harmony pov

Harmony does it hurt lily wrote on a paper and show me, I nodded yes, letting a tear out. That man, crazy man that hurt me because he thought I was ill but I wasn't ill or none of us. Is totally bullshit, they abused  us until they decide to kill you with a gun, straight in the head. Just like you're a dumb animal, ready for the meat market but luckily we escaped. After a dumb soldier forgot to lock the door, than though the underground tunnel. Here we are, I thought of our pain and s than I put my hand on lily hand. As I remember our times together, than lily left and she came back with some medicine  she had found. Put some on my face, where the scar was at but it burn as she did, I was glad we had each other.

~~~~~~~~~~ lily pov

The wooden floors creak as I walk across them carefully, we lived in a abandon beautiful. Hotel, that had wooden floors everywhere which I was surprised by I think it was hunting hotel. Before everything fell apart, across the world thanks who ever do this to the apes the apes I didn't blame them. Personally I blame the humans, us specially means ones like Colonel that hurt us, he hurt children specially like nova . nova I kept thinking about her, we don't leave the hotel unless for hunting it was too dangerous incase. Soldiers saw us, we would be captured most likely we would be killed, my felt. Started to shake, as I started to think about nova, are you safe nova ? I thought to myself.

~~~~~ Valentine pov

it was my turn to go hunting, I tie my hunt to the white beautiful horse we had luckily taken. From a soldier's, we ride when we go hunting, she was a good horse specially when you go hunting. Today I caught bunch of foxes, and raccoons fat ones, I was happy we need food. We were low on meat right now, I got on the horse but I kept the gun close to me. incase I cross some soldiers or even wild animals, maybe a bear. Anything could happen that's what I had learn thanks to hellish we escape from. We race home before sunset came, once I got home, my friends greeted with open arms and help me bring in the hunt in. I thought was, yes we are making it though all the odds throw at  us

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