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Anna's P.O.V.

I like you. I like you very much and when I like someone I like them too much. I know you don't like me and that you see me as a friend and as someone who likes disturbing you but I don't know why I do it but I just know that I like having your attention focused on me. But as from now on I will try to stop disturbing you,just thought I should tell you so that I can get it off my chest but the thing is that I WISH I HAVE THE COURAGE TO TELL YOU.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna Pendora, I am 16years old, people think that I am a genius but the fact is that I have the type of brain that once it see,hear or learn something it never forgets but don't let people know,it can be our little secret. I have black hair, blue eyes, live in a penthouse that my dad bought for me as a "sorry-I-divorced-your-mother's" gift. I attend Archimede High which is a private school,I'm in the 12th grade and applying for college, I also want to be a doctor. And I LOVEEEE Chocolate

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