Chapter 11

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“Ezareth’s tomb…Ezareth’s tomb…” the words were whirling loudly in her mind.
She tossed her head violently trying to block out the voice, her hands clenching her hair.

It was unrelenting!

Laeleth sat up abruptly and stared around the room with wild, panicked eyes. The shadowy shapes of the room were hardly definable in the dim light. The fire had burned down to glowing coals.

“It was only a dream, Laeleth,” Gabriel spoke softly. She could hear the kindness in his voice and soon felt the softness of his dark hair on her face as he kissed her forehead.
He was standing at her bedside looking down at her. The light was rather dim but she could immediately tell there was no longer blood about his mouth.

How long had she slept? The effects of her dreaming now hung over her like an oppressive fog. Laeleth felt confused and stared blankly.
She could actually remember the words; it was not like the nightmares from before.
“Ezareth’s tomb,” she whispered to herself.

Gabriel sat beside her, his back resting against the expansive, upholstered headboard.
Laeleth turned towards him as her eyes studied his face. She wondered if he ever needed sleep or if the dreadful curse kept him from feeling fatigued.

The warm smell of fire lingered about him like an aura. It seemed unusual for one so deathly cold and pale.
She had never really noticed it before now as she breathed in deeply. It soothed her for some reason. Not quite like Laevon’s comforting scent, but in a different, more intimate way.

As he reclined beside her he placed his arm around her and drew her back. She welcomed his close, protective presence and leaned against his side.
“You need to rest now, Laeleth; no more of these dreams,” he spoke in an authoritative way. “We will be leaving at first light.”

Laeleth was surprised by these words and instantly sat up once more. She looked at him in a questioning way and said, “Where are we going, Gabriel?”

In one way Laeleth was rather excited by the news. To be able to escape the wretched villagers and the haunting memories of her life were welcome thoughts. And the fact that Gabriel was going with her was already greatly reassuring.

Her heart was saddened though at the memory of Laevon and how he would be left behind. When they came here she had not considered going any farther than this.
If they were to depart would she ever have a chance of seeing him again?

Gabriel’s voice interrupted her questioning mind with his own answer.
“Zobek was only momentarily weakened, but he will eventually make his way here; there will be no stopping him. We cannot stay.”
His words were grave and chilling much like the room had become. Laeleth was grateful for the warm furs surrounding her as she loathed the cheerless atmosphere.

“What of my brother?” she ventured to ask. “I am sure he will try to find me.”

“Your brother will have to manage alone,” Gabriel replied in a blank voice. “Wherever we go he will not be able to follow.”

Laeleth remembered the sleek and mysterious stallion from the evening before and how Gabriel had told him not to roam far. Would they be riding at least? There would be no chance of Laevon following them then.
The horse was far too swift to be traced easily. It would take too long for Laevon to reach this castle – if he even could in his condition.

She knew Gabriel was not overly concerned with Laevon and that the risk of having them in each other’s presence was great.
Laevon had always hated and despised the vampire for what he thought “Dracul” had done to their father. Even Laeleth had once wondered if the rumors and old tales were true.

Castlevania: AwakeningOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara