Chapter 25

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I pulled Yuki's face to mine and kissed him. It lasted for a good five seconds until I pulled away from him.

That was my first ever kiss. I hoped he liked it, I practice with my stuffed animals every night.

He looked at me in displeasure. Was the kiss bad?

He looked away from me and faced the road. Looks like the whole drive home is gonna be filled with silence.

A few minutes Bethany pulled up with the car.

As we entered she looked at me with a little grin. Maybe she thinks something good happened when we were alone. I shook my head side to side, mumbled a little 'no' too.

Her face changed, showing sympathy for me. I smiled at her, fully knowing that me and Yuki could never work in the first place. He likes [Y/N]...

He likes [Y/N]... [Y/N]. It's her fault this couldn't work out. Me and Yuki a perfectly compatible. We both like seeing people in pain, being above everyone else... it didn't work because of her. He already had his eyes set on her.


I looked at Yuki. He was looking out the window, his fingers on his lips. Maybe he might of liked it.

Seconds later he grabbed a handkerchief from the seat pocket in front of his legs and wiped his face. I mean I'm right here, at least be nice about it.

The drive went on like that. No words being spoken nothing. My life is going to be ruined after this.


As we passed the gates of the mansion, still no words were being said.

I told Bethany to drop us off here so me and Yuki can walk the rest of the way, while she does a U-Turn and leaves.

We stepped out and she did so. The distance from the house and where we we're standing wasn't that far apart.

Maybe he thinks wrong of me and doesn't want nothing to do with me.

My head was facing the ground. Tears formed in my eyes. I know he likes [Y/N], but he can at least consider my feeling.

I looked up to see he was already gone. Up the stairs and in the house. Didn't even wait for me.

It was a depressing day for me now. I'm gonna lose the one I love, already lost my mother, now Yuki.

It began to rain, little by little, eventually it increased. Water splashing against my face, wetting my clothes and hair.

The cold rain took a trip down my chest, back and arms. Drenching my cloths faster.

I began to walk slowly. My head was faced to the ground again. I could do nothing but feel ashamed.

Rain poured down my face, entering my eyes causing me to blink rapidly. Maybe it's just the tears and not the rain.

I stopped walking and looked to the sky. I don't want to enter the house.

I sat down and held my legs together. Now I knew I was crying. Tears dripping down my face faster than the rain. What's wrong with me?

As I thought for an answer, a car approached, almost hitting me. Too bad it missed.

Two shadowy figure leaped out of the car. The rain made it hard to see anything.

Less than a second I was embraced into a hug.

"Oh my goodness! Kimiko are you alright!? We almost hit you!" It was my step mom, also know as Yuzu and Yuki's mom.

"Why are you outside in the rain. You'll catch a cold." the other figure was was my dad.

He had a large blanket and umbrella with him.

He lifted me up and put me in the blanket and hovered the umbrella over me.

It was warm and nice...

"Kimiko, why were you out here anyway?" my father asked.

"And we're you crying?" my step mom added.

I looked at them. I wanted to answer but it'll only hurt me more if I said anything. I snuggled deeply into the blanket avoiding eye contact.

My dad left out a small sigh and started to walk to te house. So did I and my step mom.


When we entered the house. We were greeted by Yuzu and Kiyoshi who were sitting on the couch watching a new recent movie that came out, "Sorrows", really? I spotted Yuki in the corner of my eye also watching the movie.

He looked at me for a moment, then looked away.

Now everything hurts even more.

I sat down next to Yuzu still having my face deeply inside the blanket to hide my face. My face is dry now, so he might be able to see the tear marks.

"Hey Kimiko." he greeted with a smile.

I looked at him and gave a little head shake, greeting him back.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

I shook my side to side. His face changed to look like he didn't believe me. Doesn't matter anyway. I don't want to speak of it.

"Anyway I have good news." he said all cheerfully leaving his before look and changing it to happy grins again.

I face him with a curious look, what's so good about today?

"I and Yuki will be going school with you and Kiyoshi from now on. Isn't that great?" he said wrapping one of his arms around me.

Great indeed... great indeed? Not.

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