Chapter 12

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"Your step sibling with Yuzu and Yuki!?" I quietly shouted to avoid attention from the cafeteria.

"Yeah we are." Kiyoshi said.

"Wow really, what a coincidence. But, what makes it a big deal that I'm that '[Y/N]'. Did they something cool about me." I said getting all cocky.

"Yuzu did~, but Yuki spoke trash about you." Kimiko snickered.

"I only knew them for a week, what do they have to say!"

"Well, Yuzu said something like how funny you were -he was right-, pretty, etc." Kiyoshi filled me in about Yuzu. Still the nice sweet boy I used to know, "Yuki said.. your a pain in the butt, bimbo, trash, I could go on about what he said."

"Okay! Wow he's cruel."

"Not to me he's pretty nice!" Kimiko said cheerfully.

"Well your attractive. I'm what he said a 'bimbo' -which I am NOT-."

"No, [Y/N] your amazing, special, and someone who I like on first impression." Kimiko said lightly punching my shoulder.


"That's the warning bell, we should head to our fourth period classes." Tyler said exiting from his seat quickly and swiftly.

'What's his problem?' I thought.

"I'm gonna go to [Y/N], see you after school." Taylor said waving and walking off.

"Bye!" I waved.

"[Y/N] let's go." Kimiko said grabbing by arm, pulling me out of my seat, which hurt.

"Yeah, yeah, okay, stop pulling me it hurts."

"Sorry." she let go and walked off.

"Kiyoshi, you should get to class." I said to him.

"Oh I don't have class last period. So I'm just gonna stay here and eat more." he said smiling.

"Kay." I said walking off.


After [Y/N] left the cafeteria, I opened my phone and noticed I had several unanswered messages. All from Yuzu.

I should get more friends, maybe I'll ask [Y/N] for her number after.

I texted Yuzu:

[Kiyoshi]                                                                                     [Yuzu]

9:10 am

Kiyoshi! On your way back from school get me some chocolate cake

9:12 am


9:17 am

Kiyoshiiiiii! You always reply to me ASAP

9:27 am

Did I suddenly become boring for you

11:20 am


11: 21 am

Finally you got back to me, what took you so long!

11:21 am

Sorry, I was in the middle of something

11:22 am

Middle of what

11:23 am

Nothing important

11:23 am

Kay, now about that chocolate cake I asked about

11:25 am

I'll get it for you.

I have to ask you something.

11:26 am

What is it?

11:26 am

[Y/N], that girl you told me about, I met her today.

11:27 am

Really, you have!

11:28 am

Yes, now, she seems to be a pretty nice, but what made you like her so much.

11:29 am

Well, she's the only person to deny the request of becoming our new family member and no one else has done that.

Mostly someone would take the offer in less than five seconds, because of ya-know, X-Tech, rich, famous.

11:32 am

Oh okay.

See you at home with your cake.

11:33 am

And buy Alex some chocolate ice cream

11:33 am



Him and that stuff bear, I bet he'll trade a human being just to get it back.

I walked out of the cafeteria and the school. It was getting pretty boring being alone the whole time, shouldn't have dropped my fourth period course.

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