Chapter 24

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What have I gotten myself into?

I was now walking back to the theater room, far away from Yuki. Boi, what should I do?

[Y/N] is an amazing girl, I liked her a year after I met her. I can't just break up with her now after all that time yearning for her.

But my life is also precious to me. I bet my life is precious to her too. If I'm wrong and she doesn't care, she'd probably wouldn't have been hanging out with us since a week after we met her.

I should probably make up my mind after the movie is done.

"Hey!" I looked up to see a young lady, "Watch where your going! I talking video of my friend propose to his girlfriend!"

I look up to notice there was a large crowed of people surrounding one area. I pushed my way through and looked at awing sight.

A young man, maybe in his mid thirties maybe 29, was on one knee. Someone was really proposing. The ring looked really expensive.

The lady looked startled, yet happy. Nodding her head yes while jumping up, the crowd went wild. It brought a smile to my face.

Maybe that was a sign to stay with [Y/N], it could lead to something amazing.

I kept on smiling and walked away into the theater.


A big crowd formed out of nowhere, making the theater louder than it was before.

What the hell is all this commotion about anyways. I pushed my way through the front of the crowd making sure to step on anyone foot if they try and block me, surprisingly no one tried to stop me...

Once I made it to the front, I saw a guy was on one of his knees, holding out a cheap ring.

Couldn't he have proposed somewhere else to hide the embarrassment of having a cheap ring?

The lady was jumping up nodding yes, that looked weird... If I was her I would notice the ring was cheap and dumped him that second.

When the crowd dispersed, the new engaged couple walked out of the theater.

I turned around only to look at someone walking... more like running towards me.

"Yuki! Yuki! Did you see that! Two people got engaged right here!" It was [Y/N], she was jumping up and down in excitement.

"What's the big deal? It's just a stupid engagement." I scoffed.

"What's the big deal!? Two people are about to get married, a kid no one ever thought of is being made!" she informed me.


"Wow, with that attitude you might never get married. Imagine me marrying you, blah blah blah..."

Did she just say 'imagine me marrying you'? My face immediately turned red.

"W-well, I wouldn't mind marrying you..." I mumbled in embarrassment.

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

"N-nothing you i-idiot! Just leave me alone!"

"Fine!" she said while walking way. Why did I say that...

"Hi Yuki. I see you acted like a tsundere just then. Kinda..." I turned around again to see Kimiko.

"Oh hey Kimiko- I'M NOT A TSUNDERE!" I yelled getting some attention from the people around me, "Wait what are you too doing out here?"

"The movie was canceled due to fighting in the theater. Should we go home?"

I was about to answer her when I saw Taylor getting mushy with [Y/N]. He better break up with her. "Yeah we should."

"K, I'll call Bethany, and I just need to tell [Y/N] were leaving." she called the driver and walked to [Y/N].

"I'll be outside waiting for the new driver- I mean Bethany."

She ran off and informed [Y/N]. They said their goodbyes, [Y/N] and Taylor walked of while Kimiko waved. I started to walk as she did so.

The driver was taking long as usual, too long. Kimiko finally walked outside.

"Bethany's not here yet?"

"The driver? No."

"Okayyy." swaying her hips back and forth.


I may or may have not told the driver too circle building for an extra thirty minutes for more money so I could stay longer with Yuki.

It's all for the better cost, I have to get Yuki to like me and forget about [Y/N]. I turned to Yuki who was looking back at the Cinema, still thinking about [Y/N]. But... now's my chance to show him how much I like him.


"Hey Kimiko, call the driver-"

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