Found Out

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Also-Sorry if there are a lot of errors. I have been trying to get some chapters out fast. I usually go back and fix them.

Doctor Joy POV

Doctor Joy is honestly so stunned right now. Never in a million years did she think she would be the one to find the Prince's mate. 

Doctor Joy was intrigued about this human child. She was nervous, but polite. Which is vastly different to how the other humans have treated her. All the other human children glared at her until she was done and called her names under their breaths like they don't know she can hear them perfectly. 

Doctor Joy saw the kindness in the child's eyes. She knows that as soon as she reports her this child life will change forever. She will be putting a huge target on her back. 

Out of all the people that could be possibly the Prince's mate it had to be a hidden child. The girl is fourteen. The Prince will not be too pleased when he hears he missed out on fourteen years of her life. 

Doctor Joy knows that the Prince will treat her like the princess she is, but will the child be able to handle the intensity of the vampires and her new lifestyle? What will happen to Stephanie's family when she makes the report? What will happen to her?

A cough takes Doctor Joy out of her thoughts and focused back on Stephanie who still is laying on the makeshift hospital bed. 

Stephanie-So what will happen to me now?

Joy-I must do my duty and bring you to my supervisor. Because of who your mate is the process will probably be different.

Stephanie-How so?

Joy-I am going to guess that they will bring the village vampire leader who will contact the palace. You are fourteen years old so technically you are not allowed near the Prince yet. Through he might cite the emergency clause. 

Stephanie-But this is not an emergency.

Joy-Yes it is. You have been hidden from the vampire crown prince soon to be king for fourteen years. His monster is the most aggressive one in the world right now. The only thing that can calm him down is you. He has waited over a hundred years for you. 

Stephanie-I am too young to mate with him. I am not ready. I barely know anything.

Joy-A mate can never take their mate against their will. Prince Edward may not be able to take your virginity right now, but he can have control over your life. He should hopefully let you live the life you should have been living if you were a mate at birth. A nice education at the mate school getting properly taken care of before you go fully ready into your mates arms.

Stephanie-I am scared. Do you have a mate?

Joy-No. I do not. Thats why I feel the pain that Prince Edward feels. I have a funny feeling my mate is a hidden human so I became a doctor so I can test every human I am allowed in the hopes that one day I find my mate as well.

Stephanie-Before you take me too my fate. Can you tell me what will happen to my family?

 Joy-It is not up to me. We must hurry along. People are probably wondering what is taking so long.

Doctor Joy leads Stephanie to the end of the gymnasium where there is a huge makeshift tent. 

Doctor Joy sneaks her head into the door. 

Joy-Sergeant Queen I have found a hidden mate child. May we come in?

Sergeant Queen-Come in!

Stephanie POV

Doctor Joy and Stephanie go into the tent. Stephanie is shocked at her first view of Sergeant Queen. He is one of the bluffest vampires she has ever seen. With a brown hair buzzcut. He looks like a G.I. Joe.

Joy-This is Stephanie Harrison. She is fourteen years old. Her parents are Lacey and Mark Harrison. She has a sister named Michelle who is sixteen. All are confirmed non-mates. I have identified Stephanie's mate and you will never guess who it is.

Sergeant Queen-Who's mate is she?

Joy-Prince Edward's

Getting up rapidly Sergeant Queen says "You are lying" 

Joy-Look at her left knee.

Sergeant Queen-My God. I got to report this immediately.

Sergeant Queen rushes to the phone-I need to talk to Village Leader Francis immediately. This is an emergency. 

Sergeant Queen-Village Leader Francis I am calling to inform you that Prince Edward's mate has been found. She is at Kennedy High School. Her name is Stephanie Harrison. She is fourteen years old. I will be sending you her file immediately as we speak. 

Sergeant Queen-Yes, sir.

Sergeant Queen-He is coming.

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