Growing Up

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Also-Sorry if there are a lot of errors. I have been trying to get some chapters out fast. I usually go back and fix them.

Stephanie Harrison never knew she was special until the age of 3. Her parents always made it seem like this is just apart of her everyday routine. Through Stephanie wondered why her parents made her put on the makeup everyday and not her sister. 

When Stephanie was about to start at the human preschool her parents sat her down to tell her that she has a special mark and she can never show anyone or something very bad will happen. She must always have some makeup in hand, she has to hide the makeup from others, and she can never put on the makeup where others can see. 

In the human schools they taught about the supernaturals, vampires, and mates from preschool until high school. Through they did not go into too much details until the children were a little older and can fully understand.

Stephanie finally understood about vampires and mates in the first grade when the school had a mandatory assembly where the leading vampire and his mate were telling the kids the rules that they must follow.

The leading vampire showed pictures of the Carter royal family. Stephanie saw a picture of her mate Prince Edward for the first time. Stephanie felt a pull to him and she thought he was really handsome.

Stephanie always wondered about her mate. She saw that vampire treat his mate with kindness. She saw the human mates children around town, through rarely since they lived in the nicer part. She saw that they were well taken care of. Stephanie had hidden doubts on whether they truly are these horrible creatures.

In fifth grade when most of the human girls started puberty the schools went into detail about what is truly means to be a human mate.

When the human mate becomes of age they will go into longing. They will long for their mate and will be depressed until they are in their mates arms. Thats why they are transferred to their mates care as soon as the clock strikes 12 on their 18th birthday.

The vampires who come of age will get more and more withdrawn until they find their mate. If the mating bond takes too long to find and to finish the vampire may get aggressive.

The female mate will be extra clingy to the mate until the male mate bites and drinks from their mates neck. The female mate will then drink from the males neck. This fulfills the mating bond by sharing their life blood. 

For the first year it is heavily advised not to be too far from your mate. The mate bond will run hectic if the distance is too great. Mates too far from each other will get depressed, anxious, angry, and withdrawn until they are back with their mates. 

Vampires can get each other pregnant. Humans and vampires can get pregnant. Mates do not have sex with each other until both are ready. That means it could be months or immediately after meeting.

Stephanie grew up a normal non-mate child until the first day of high school.

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