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"Oh dear! Are you ok?". I mention, while my textures touch his skin and become entangled until we convert into one. "I didn't want this to happen, it's not my fault!".

I see his face as he starts screaming for help, blood starts to flow from his neck the moment he begins to move trying to shake me off stressed by the situation.

"Don't move Darling! You make it worse..."

His eyes starts to turn red, several hours had already passed and all the oxygen in his lungs is being consumed. I swear I can see him cry even thou we're under water.

"Don't look to me like that". His yellow skin slowly dyes red, a cloud of blood starts to surround us and the taste of death gets confused with the salty water. "I'm sorry little fellow, I'm really sorry..."

I begin to look around expecting to see a silhouette of another turtle friend or any other sea creature that can help us, but we are alone... Alone in that great blue ocean that covers us.

"I... I wish I can do something else to help you". Suddenly, the light that lit his eyes vanished, his body stopped strugglin slowly as he took his last breath under the water, a feeling of sadness and impotence filled my being.

"But what can I do if I'm only a simple piece o plastic that doesn't even know how it ended up in the ocean?".

Plastic is not the culprit... We are the monsters.

The Dread Of The Ocean #PlanetOrPlasticWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt