Ch.3-The Makeover Pt.2

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I went to the back of the salon and there was a guy with chocolate brown hair and blue eyes. Well damn, did it hurt when you fell from heaven.

"Hi, you must be Christina. I'm Louis Tomilson, I'll be your stylist and accompany Ashley in your training."

"Ummm... What exactly am I training for?"

"Well you see, in the morning, you have to get ready and, to get ready, you have to wake up early enough to get up take a showers and stuff and then you also have to work out to maintaine a figure. I mean not that you don't have have a nice figure right now, 'cause you do. It's just that you have to work out to keep it. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah I guess I understand."

"Well now that that's taken care of, lets get started. Are you ready?" I nodded.

"Ok, lets gets started."

After about 3 hours of laughing and talking to Louis, we were finally done. It also turns out Louis' dad and my mom have been friends for the longest and that's how Louis got this job.

"Well I think my work is done here so are you ready to see it?" i nodded.

Well he pulled out a mirror and when he held it up to me I was completely shocked. I was a whole other person, well except for the glasses, but my hair was gorgeous and longer than I thought.

"I love it! Thank you so much."

"Your welcome. Now look I put a softener in your hair and it should stay soft for a while so you can keep your regular routine and you should be just fine."

"Thanks Lou, you're the best and I hope we stay in touch."

"Don't worry, we will. I'll see you tomorrow for your training,ok?'

"Yeah, of course." Just as I said that I got a text form Ashely telling me it's time to shop.

"Well Ashley just texted me and I have to go so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait, let me give you my number."

Once that was over I walked to the store Ashely told me to meet her at. When I saw her she had people behind her.

"Hey, your hair is beautiful. Now these people behind me are the crew of fashion designers yoru mom picked out and they're are about to give you a whole new wardrobe." i nodded.

"Well lets get started." And with that we started our journey.


After hours of shopping, we're finally done. I was so tired I didn't know what to do so when I got home, I crashed.

I Never Thought It Would Be YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon